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Are Asbestos Fibers Visible to the Eye?

If you are in the construction business or employed by an industry that uses products that contain asbestos, you may be wondering "Do asbestos fibers appear to the eye"? Asbestos fibers are generally too small for the naked eye to see. Asbestos becomes dangerous when it is broken down into small fibers and inhaled. It is almost impossible to detect the presence of asbestos without taking the material to the laboratory for testing. A lab technician will place the material under a microscope to find asbestos fibers. Asbestos does not cause an immediate reaction. It won't cause you to cough, sneeze, or water your eyes. You cannot see, smell or taste asbestos. If your skin is contaminated with asbestos, it will not burn or itch.

Diseases associated with asbestos have a very long latency period. This is a time frame from when you were exposed to asbestos until you became ill. Most people do not get sick for at least ten years after exposure and some do not reach forty years later. Asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma are all asbestos-related diseases. Asbestosis occurs when asbestos fibers enter the lungs. The body naturally produces acids to fight the fiber. However, these acids can cause scarring in the lung tissue and in the respiratory stage can be more difficult and painful. Asbestosis was first documented in shipyard workers. Asbestos can also cause lung cancer. If someone smokes and is exposed to asbestos, they have a greater chance of developing lung cancer. Mesothelioma is a cancer that is only associated with asbestos exposure. It is a cancer of the cells that includes the peritoneum (area around the abdominal organs) and the pleura (areas outside the lungs and the inside of the ribs).

There is a lot of debate and controversy around dangerous types of asbestos. Some types of asbestos are considered more dangerous than others but all types of asbestos exposure should be avoided. Actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, crocidolite, chrysotile (white asbestos), and tremolite are all types of asbestos. Chrysotile is the most commonly used type of asbestos in manufacturing products.

Asbestos fiber is invisible to the eyes. If you think you may be exposed to asbestos, the most common method for testing is chest x-ray. X-rays will not show asbestos fibers but they can show early signs of lung disease. There is no known cure for asbestos-related illnesses.


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