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What is the risk of obesity on the heart?

 What is the risk of obesity on the heart?

My 3-year-old is obese, is there a danger to his heart in the future?

Dr. Jamal Shaaban, a consultant cardiologist, answers, saying researchers from the United States revealed that obese children up to the age of three showed signs of possible exposure to heart disease later in life, and a medical study, which covered about 16 thousand children and adolescents, showed that most obese people showed Inflammatory indications and symptoms that can indicate heart disease later.

The study said that about 40% of obese children between three and five years of age recorded higher rates of a type of protein related to this possibility, compared to 17% of healthy children, but medical research called for more research to confirm the association of this phenomenon with the potential of infection Future heart disease.

The study, conducted by a research team from the University of North Carolina, covered children and adolescents from the age of 1 to 17 years, and indicated that about 70% of them had normal healthy weights, and 15% were at higher weights, while 11% were classified as obese, and about 3.5% of very obese, and this showed that A type of protein was high in very obese people in older age groups.

It was about 83% at the age of 15 to 17, while in the same age group it was 18% among healthy children, and this protein, known as "CRB", is commonly present in the blood, and its high rates point to inflammatory signs in the body.

Dr. Jamal points out that it is known that damage to the heart comes from infections in the inner walls of the arteries, which is why measuring this protein is a sign of possible exposure to heart disease.

Other studies suggest that high rates of this type of protein in the blood in adults are also an indicator of risk of heart disease.

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