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I suffer from the accumulation of abdominal fat.

 I suffer from the accumulation of abdominal fat.

One of the girls asks: I am 156, I weigh 85 and I am 24 years old, I did a diet for long periods but the abdominal problem still exists, and one of the doctors advised me to do laser fat break-up sessions or meso-throbies, do they both have any damage? What's right for me for my age?

And if I only do abdominal sessions, will my body become inconsistent or will I lose weight from the rest of my body with the weight loss in the abdominal area?

Dr. Hayam Al-Shazli, a nutritionist, says that I believe only in 100% natural ways, and as a natural nutritionist, I do not recommend any abnormal operations of the body, because its damage will be seen in the years to come.

As for the increase in the size of the abdomen, it appears as a result of the abundance of simple starches such as baked goods and sugar or anything made of white flour and white sugar, it must be prevented completely and replaced by complex starches such as brown rice, oats, friesh and whole grains, except wheat, because wheat contains "Rounds", this substance is an abnormal protein that is a major cause of the occurrence of digestive problems, increases the proportion of insulin in the blood, a major cause of weight gain, and causes many problems for public health, especially for some people who are allergic to the substance of the two rounds, as well as should be taken Vegetables, they should permanently refrain from baked goods because they are the ones that increase the abdominal area and waist.

When there is fat in this area, it is necessary to exercise on a daily basis for at least 45 minutes better than running behind the illusions and fashion of slimming with abnormal and unregulated processes and objects, and no one knows its future harms, as there are no studies or general research on future damages. As a result of these processes, you must refrain permanently from simple fats, which increase the hormone insulin, and this is what makes the body retain fat around the abdominal area and waist, because it is caused by increased insulin hormone in the body, and makes the body retain fat in this area.

She should eat omega-3 with every meal, whether by eating fish rich in this substance or taking it from pharmacies, as a dietary supplement, as this substance helps burn the fat accumulated in the body, and she has to take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water between meals, if she does not suffer from ulcers Stomach, this helps it burn the accumulated fat next to daily exercise.

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