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Contraception pills does not cause weight gain

  Contraception pills does not cause weight gain

Researchers at the Oregon National Institute, a major research center at oregon Health and Science University, have confirmed that the common saying that the pill works to gain weight is incorrect, and the researchers confirmed this fact in a study published in the Journal of Medical Human Cloning.

Dr. Allison Adelmar says: "When we do a simple search on Google on contraception we discover that there is a possibility that it has caused the body to gain weight and is a subject of very, very controversial discussion."" Enough to prove whether oral contraceptives first caused weight gain or underweight: Researchers spent nearly a year studying on some monkeys in Oregon, because monkeys with a wide range of variables can be more accurate, measured and controlled, and half of the monkeys were at their normal weight and Half of the other was obese when this study began and the doses of pills were given according to their body weights and semi-human match as much as possible, and were monitored for 8 months, and the researchers collected data on the levels of physical activity and muscle size and body fat mass, they found that monkeys that were weighing Normally, either obese monkeys lost an average of 8.5% of their body weight, lost 12% of their body fat and found no notices of change in muscle mass and physical activity.

Dr. Judy Cameron says: "This study suggests that fears of being overweight with the use of the pill seem to be more imaginative than reality.

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