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Does eating low calorie food keep weight?

 Does eating low calorie food keep weight?

Nabila Al Mansouri says: I want to maintain my weight and make sure to eat healthy food, but I notice that my weight increases slowly, what is wrong with it and how do I maintain my weight?

Dr. Osama Hafni, consultant of physiotherapy and obesity treatment, answers: Healthy food is not the only title for weight loss, you can continue to eat healthy, but the weight remains in excess, the way food is cooked may add an enormous amount of calories to foods Healthy, it can also be stripped of many nutrients and essential nutrients, as food can be healthy, but we eat too much to cause weight gain, weight loss requires choosing healthy food, choosing healthy cooking methods, and finally choosing the amount of food The occasion.

A healthy diet consists of eating a variety of foods, low calorie in take-off supremo, reducing the amount of fat and calories by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and eating more whole grains or recipes that use flour Full, protein should come from sources such as red meat without fat, skinless poultry, pulses and fish. When cooking, reduce fats and oils, and use vegetable oil instead of margarine or butter, such as olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil or soybean oil.

When shopping, you should choose fresh food and avoid most processed foods in which fat is usually used to give it a delicious taste, which increases the calories, and make sure that you always have enough fresh vegetables in the fridge such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce and watercress. Beets, broccoli, celery, fresh fruits, such as oranges, apples, guava, grapefruit, tangerine, kiwi, and whole grains such as wheat, bulgur and frick.

If you want to buy snacks for dessert, you should choose low-calorie crackers such as popcorn instead of chips and desserts.

In the kitchen, look for the best ways to cook that reduce the use of fats such as rosto, grill, soup, boiling, steamed cooking or constantly stirring over low heat instead of boiling, and all visible fat suppines should be removed from the meat before cooking and remove any fat from the meat after cooking.

Fat flavor can be replaced by spices, soy sauce, herbs or lemon juice, and you should avoid cooking methods that rely on adding fat such as alkali, and avoid high-calorie food such as mayonnaise, double cream cheese, cream or dairy cream.

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