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"Buttock fat" affects memory efficiency for women

 "Buttock fat" affects memory efficiency for women

A recent medical study warned that the accumulation of fat in the buttock area among women, especially the elderly, may contribute negatively to their efficiency and memory level, especially if these fats accumulate at high rates.

The researchers explained that the accumulation of fat in this area may be important to protect the bones of the pelvis, especially with age, but it was found that its increase significantly from the normal rate negatively affects the memory of women.

Research was conducted on approximately 8,745 postmenopausal women between the ages of 65 and 79, where brain function was assessed with a measure of fat accumulation, concentration and prevalence.

Research has shown that the higher the accumulation of fat in the buttock area, the greater the chances of reduced memory efficiency among women in advanced age.

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