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What is the best way to lose weight in the abdominal area?

 What is the best way to lose weight in the abdominal area?

A reader asks: I am overweight in the abdominal area and I want to improve my weight is there a way to reduce my weight?

This question is answered by Dr. Hani Sheikh, consultant of obesity and nutrition, saying that there is a diet to reduce weight in four days, consists in breakfast of half a cup of grapefruit juice with plain coffee, but lunch is a slice of steak or a large piece of meat boiled with the heart of lettuce and one tomato next to the fruit of an apple and in You can eat a boiled egg with green beans and half a cup of grapefruit.

The second day can be eaten a large steak with the heart of lettuce and a cup of tomato juice, and in dinner you can have a cocktail of chicken or boiled vegetables and on the third day is eat lettuce lunch with celery and red steak chopped onion with an apple.

In dinner, half a boiled chick is eaten with small tomatoes and a cup of grapefruit, and on the fourth day two boiled eggs are eaten at lunch with five tablespoons of green beans and a cup of tomato juice and in dinner a slice of steak grilled with lettuce or tomatoes with strawberry juice or grapefruit and taken into account when applying the program S Use pepper and salt to give flavor to eat with large amounts of water and by following this food program the weight decreases from 2 to 4 kg in four days in the abdominal area.

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