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Yeast Infection Remedy - Easy and Effective Herbal Treatments

Yeast is the second most common type of vaginal infection. One of the many fungal species called Candida causes it. Candida is usually present in small quantities in the vagina as well as in the mouth and digestive tract of both men and women.

Women are more prone to developing vaginal yeast infections if their body is under pressure from a poor diet, lack of sleep, sickness, or while pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women with immune suppression such as diabetes and HIV infection are also at high risk.

Yeast symptoms:

Symptoms of yeast infection may vary from mild to severe and include:

o vaginal itching or pain

o thick, white, curd like a release

o Burning discomfort around vaginal opening, especially when urine touches the area

o Pain during sexual intercourse

o The unpleasant odor of the genitals

o Itching and burning of female genitalia (vulva)

o Painful diabetes

o Red and swollen Vulva

Vaginal discharge is not always present and may be minimal, but if present:

o cheese like in nature

o thick, white discharge

o Watering consistently

Causes of yeast infection:

Because yeast is normal in women's vagina, it causes infections when there is a change in the balance in the female system. For example, pregnancy, which leads to changes in hormone levels.

Antibiotics can kill normal vaginal bacteria. Then yeast, which is usually found in or near the vagina of the female can breed.

Therefore, yeast supplementation usually results from:

o Fatigue

o High pressure

o Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle

o Increase warmth and moisture in vaginal area

o Menopause

o Do not dry the outside of the vagina carefully after bathing

o Birth control pills

o Bad diet

o Unclean underwear

o Poor personal hygiene

o Pregnancy

Certain drugs

o Use of antibiotics 'broad spectrum'

o vaginal intercourse without adequate lubrication

o Sweating

o High diabetes, which raises blood sugar levels makes it a conducive environment for yeast fungus to grow

Yeast infections:

Any woman who has symptoms of yeast infection for the first time should visit a doctor. This is important to ensure that vaginal discharge and discomfort are caused by yeast and not other sexual infections.

The vaginal yeast infection is treated with antifungal drugs that are injected directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories.

Sex partner treatment is not necessary, as most yeast infections are not sexually transmitted.

How to prevent yeast infections?

Each of the three women suffer at least one yeast infection throughout their life; many experiences of repeated infections.

However, one can reduce the probability of repeated attacks by practicing some precautionary measures -

- Always wear white cotton pants. Nylon and Lycra can trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast.

- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.

- Avoid antibiotics and steroids, as they destroy competing bacteria and allow excess yeast.

- Avoid irritating soaps and fragrances, vaginal spray.

- Regularly change tampons and towels.

- After swimming, quickly change into dry clothes instead of sitting in a wet bathing suit for a long time.

- Take antibiotics only as prescribed by your doctor.

- If you have diabetes, try to maintain strict control over your blood sugar levels.

- Avoid oral contraceptives if you have yeast infections.

- Avoid using petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using a water-based lubricant.

- Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. However, eating yogurt will not cure yeast infections.

- Do not wear underwear at night, as our bodies need to be dry after a day of clothing that captures heat and moisture.

Dietary recommendations for yeast infections -

Any woman with yeast infection should be careful about her diet, as the diet promotes fungal growth. Try to include -

o Fresh vegetables and fruits

o Fish

o Whole grains

o Essential fatty acids, such as beans

o Lots of fresh water

o 1 tablespoon Isabgol crab and / or 1/4 cup Oat bran daily


o Alcohol

o Animal fat

o Caffeine

o Dairy products, such as cheese, ice cream

o Fast food

o Pickle, vinegar or any yeast product

o Foods consumed

o Hydrogenated oils and margarine

o Processed foods

o Sugar, candy, chocolate

o White and processed flour products

Therefore, as yeast fungus develops with sugar and carbohydrates - a diet of vegetarian nondairy protein, imperfect cereals, and vegetables is best. Onions and garlic are also very helpful. Fresh garlic is the best. Avoid meat-based proteins.


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