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The Dark Side of Wheat

Wheat, the Bible tells us, is a "living staff." It has been the basis of the human diet since ancient times. For more than ten thousand years, wheat has been a prominent part of modern caves, cottages and desks. However, almost all of the wheat eaten today resembles some of what our ancestors ate for thousands of years. There's a sweep.

At the beginning of agriculture, farmers first cultivated and harvested a wheat called "Einkorn" ( monococcum triticum ). Einkorn has a relatively simple genetic code containing fourteen chromosomes. A few millennia later, "Emmer" ( triticum dicoccum ) various wheat make its appearance. This is Einkorn's genetic hybrid and wild grass called "Goat" ( aegilops speltoides ). Emmer is slightly more complex than Einkorn because of its twenty-eight genetic structures, but still shares many of its ancestral genetic features. Emmer and Einkorn will be the staple foods that have dominated human wheat for thousands of years.

During the latter half of the 20th century, facing the urgent need to feed the fast-growing world population, scientists conducted intensive research to create new genetic wheat hybrids that would produce higher yields, and would be disease, drought, and heat. Thus, the birth of modern wheat: triticum aestivum. Today, modern wheat is the most widely consumed grain on earth and responsible for twenty percent of all human consumption of calories. While it is certainly true that this form of wheat prevents mass starvation in the third world, it is also responsible for some of the most devastating chronic degenerative diseases known to man.

Modern wheat contains forty-two chromosomes, making it thousands of genes other than einkorn wheat. Modern einkorn and wheat may look and feel the same, but there are major biochemical differences. Up to 75% of the total carbohydrate content in modern wheat is made up of Amylopectin-A, a compound made up of a network of glucose units. These cancers are well digested, and cause a sudden increase in blood sugar levels when used. The glycemic index (GI) - a measure of how quickly blood sugar levels rise after a meal - is 72, higher than that of sucrose (table sugar: GI 59). High GI foods are directly linked to hyperinsulinism, chronic inflammation due to deep fat deposition, and the accumulation of autoimmune conditions commonly known as X-Syndrome, Dr. William Davis noted that while wheat and diabetes traveling throughout history, the arrival of modern wheat has accelerated the explosion in diabetes worldwide today.

Another harmful effect of modern wheat is due to its highly versatile and versatile component: Gluten protein. In about 1 in 100 people (98% of them have HLA-Q2 or DQ8 generic markers), gluten triggers an immune response characterized by severe inflammation of the small intestine. It is characterized by abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, bloating and fatigue, a collection of symptoms known as Celiac disease. If left untreated, this condition shows damage to the intestinal wall. Celiac disease has been recognized and treated by the medical community for decades. However, gluten is also responsible for something else, less commonly known as gluten sensitivity than Celiac, which has symptoms like Celiac. The condition has no immune response, intestinal damage and genetic markers of celiac disease, but is associated with severe neurological and psychiatric conditions including schizophrenic and cerebellar atherosclerosis.

Gluten works its evil way by stimulating the gut to produce a protein called Zonulin. Zonulin damages the intestinal tract by breaking down a tight junction between the intestinal cells causing the gut to leak. As a result, microbial food and intestines are partially digested across the intestinal barrier and into the bloodstream. This exposure triggers the immune response, producing antibodies that invade the body's own tissue leading to systemic inflammation. A variety of conditions such as heart disease, dementia, cancer and diabetes are associated with systemic inflammation.

Another aspect of gluten is that when exposed to stomach acids and enzymes, it is digested into a shorter protein or polypeptide called exorphin. It's like endorphins that get high training. Exorphins can cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to opioid receptors in the brain. It's the same receptor that opiates like heroin binds. Wheat exorphins act like drugs that cause various problems with brain physiology including schizophrenia and autism. They also cause addictive behaviors including craving and eating parties. Thus, gluten can change the mood and produce withdrawal symptoms after its removal.

Outside of gluten, about 20% of non-gluten protein can cause allergic reactions or anaphylaxis in humans. Among the non-gluten proteins include agglutinin, alpha amylase, thioredoxin and glycerin dehydr-3-phosphare dehydrogenases. The exposure of these elements triggers asthma, rash and wheat-dependent anaphylaxis (WDEIA) training in susceptible individuals.

Strict removal of gluten is the most effective way to reverse all of the above conditions. Gluten-free lifestyles are also recommended for healthy individuals as most people who are sensitive to wheat may not notice any problems. But when they cut grain from their diet, they experience health benefits that include better mood, clearer skin, less fatigue, clearer thinking. Gluten removal also helps those struggling with autoimmune diseases, mental disorders, migraines, eczema and psoriasis, and joint pain. If you have any problems listed below, it may be helpful to try a gluten-free diet for a period of six weeks.

1) Genetic or family history of celiac disease or gluten intolerance

2) Presence of any digestive diseases such as bad bowel syndrome, colitis, poor bowel permeability

3) Presence of food sensitivities known as migraine, chronic fatigue, aches and pains, skin problems such as eczema, acne or pityriasis,

4) Presence or family history of autoimmune conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

5) Difficulty in losing weight.


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