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Ingredients in Cellulite Creams

Cellulite creams have become increasingly popular because of the benefits they provide to consumers especially in reducing or eliminating cellulite. Cellulites are usually formed in areas where fat is stored such as thighs, stomachs, buttocks and arms which is actually an unpleasant sight to behold. By using cellulite cream, you will be able to get rid of this problem and at the same time prevent it from regenerating. Listed below are some of the most important ingredients in cellulite creams to make them effective in their purpose.

The first ingredient is Retinol, a common ingredient found in most cellulite creams. This is actually a Vitamin A derivative that works to increase collagen production. You will achieve younger looking skin through increased collagen formation, an important element in our skin. It also helps to get thicker and firmer skin which helps reduce cramps and protrudes from cellulite.

Caffeine is a common ingredient found in most cellulite creams. It is effective when applied to the skin which helps in reducing the fat found in the affected area. It also helps to increase fat metabolism especially in exposed areas while at the same time reducing swelling in the area. Therefore, it helps to make the skin appear smoother and more cellulite-free.

The third ingredient is Aminophylline which is also commonly seen in most cellulite creams. This ingredient is used to manage asthma but has also been shown to help in reducing cellulite. Like caffeine, Aminophylline works to increase fat metabolism in affected areas.

The next ingredient is L-Carnitine, an active ingredient that helps to boost one's metabolism while reducing the capacity of cells in the body to maintain fat. Other cellulite creams also contain herbal extracts that help in detoxifying the body. Sometimes, they also have Vitamin E and C. Vitamin E works in dissolving fat and at the same time detoxifying the body. In addition, it helps protect blood vessels that ensure proper blood circulation. Instead, Vitamin C works to support collagen synthesis.

Another ingredient is Alga which is said to help in collagen production. Seaweed also helps absorb fat on the skin but not under the surface. The last ingredient is Kukui peanut oil, a common cellulite commonly used with moisturizers that increase collagen production. This substance also helps reduce individuals with dry skin.


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