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Going in for Foot Surgery: What to Expect Before and After the Operation

Before surgery:

• Your surgeon discusses the procedure involved in surgery. This is the time to voice your concerns, ask for risks, side effects, recovery, etc.

• You may be given medication to take before the surgery and will be notified of a release with an intern, to ensure that you are physically fit and eligible for surgery. The test can range from simple physical exams to EKG tests and cardiovel stress depending on your circumstances.

• You need to give your doctor a medical background of any allergies or negative reactions to the medication you have taken before.

• The list of vitamins, pills, or herbal supplements you take will help your doctor avoid any medications that may cause a negative reaction.

• Your doctor may advise you to schedule your meds at different times, or may ask you not to take them for a while.

• You may need to fast before surgery. No liquid or solid foods. Your doctor will give you a timeline.

• Go to the hospital a few hours early so you can take care of paperwork and talk to your doctor for any concerns lately.

After surgery:

• Your doctor will give you a discharge order and you will be scheduled for follow-up.

• Keep your feet elevated and chest high when you rest. Avoid putting your foot down as much as possible for the next few days. This will prevent swelling and also relieve pain. The body pillow will help you feel comfortable during the break.

• Take your medicine as directed. Often this is after a meal. If you can't control your diet, try a liquid diet first and then move on to solid foods.

• Always keep your clothes dry and clean. Ask for instructions on how to replace it.

• Follow up with follow-up examinations so your doctor can monitor your recovery.

• Watch out for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, and high fever. Report to your doctor immediately if your feet are bleeding excessively or continuously.

• Beware of improper circulation such as blue nails, pale and cold feet.

• You may be emotional and irritable, so remember to keep your temper in check and tell your family and friends first. So grateful to the people you love.

• It is important to maintain a positive attitude when you recover. One way to do this is to practice thinking about the things you are grateful for on a daily basis.


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