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Five Indoor Exercises That Are Better Indoors

It's a rainy summer. It's great to work outdoors but when it rains, you need to have an alternative.

Here are the Five Best Activities in the Home.

1. Lifting Weight. When it's pouring. hit heavy. Some people prefer to hang out on their deck or in the open garage but the majority of the heavy trains are good at their home or commercial gym. Weight lifting is great for everything from building muscle to burning fat. It's a lot of fun with a friend you've been planning to go biking with!

2. Video Training. Fitness DVDs have been around since the days of foot warm-ups on VHS. There are now videos directed by marine, hardcore fitness like the P90X, dance variations like Hip Hop Abs and various Yoga and Pilates lessons.

3. Home Cardio Equipment. Many people prefer to run, bike, walk and paddle outside but when the weather is not allowed, home appliances have the advantage. If I didn't have these machines, I would have plenty of reasons not to go out every morning from too much shrinkage, heat and of course, when it was raining.

4. Hit a special class. Classes such as belly dancing, kickboxing and group exercise are great alternatives to participating, to stay hydrated. Many times, if you are new to the studio they will let you try out the class for free.

5. Try new activities such as rock climbing, martial arts or dance. All of these activities do not have an obligation intro class, so you can get directions and experience them. Who knows, a rainy day can lead to something new you might end up loving and taking the road!

Training is not limited to running, biking and rollerblading. See how creative you can be on a rainy day and you might be surprised when you find new activities that motivate you. You can also find indoor swimming pools, volleyball, tennis and basketball courts if you don't want to miss your sport because it's raining!

Stay on rainy days!


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