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Feeding Pet Pigeons - Don't Do It and Here Is Why

Why can't humans stop eating birds? Have you ever noticed that when you go to a park someone eats pigeons, ducks, or other bird species? This may not be a very good idea because the kinds of things that humans, especially wild birds, may not eat. Especially since most people are eating bird food, stuff like popcorn, slices of bread, and stuff like that. This is not a natural and normal diet unless of course they are urban birds, and they have adapted for nothing, which many have done for example.

The last bird you want to eat is a dove because they want to stay close to their food supply. And wherever you feed them is where they will hang, and where they will use their ultrasound bird calls to help map the area to their minds. Once they decide to live in a certain area, it's almost impossible to get rid of them. Of course, you can install bird stakes and many business owners do, and many homeowners' associations and managers of high-rise condominium complexes try to do the same. However, it is difficult to get rid of these birds because they will find a place to land; you cannot place a spike on every single horizontal surface.

The pigeons really only need a few inches against the wall to settle - and, wherever they drown, that's where they release the leftovers, and they seem to have indigestion, and diarrhea seen by what they throw away when they eat. people's food. Yes, the story gets worse as you begin to consider the challenges of things like bird flu. Worse, if you feed the pigeons, they won't cause any problems around you, but all your neighbors will have to deal with pigeon poop poop everywhere. Pigeons are good at begging and they remember the kind of behavior that gets the most free food.

They are definitely edible, and if you feed more they will enter the area, which means more pigeons and more problems, including more bacteria, and a chance to get bird flu someday. None of this is very good, so even if you think you're doing a good pigeon, and you want to go bird watching, feed them very smart, even in someone else's garden. Suffice it to say, pigeons do not make very good pets, and there is no point in learning the hard way. Please consider all of this and think about it.


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