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Could Bacterial Overgrowth Be the Cause of Your IBS?

Managing stress in your life is a great way to help alleviate your negative emotions, but unfortunately, stress is just one of the many causes of IBS. In fact, research that has been conducted in recent years has found that IBS may also be related to Small Bacterial Disease (SIBO).

What is SIBO? It is a bacterial supplement that naturally occurs in the small intestine. The small intestine contains small amounts of bacteria that are essential for proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, when there is a lot of bacteria, problems like fat malabsorption occur. In addition, it also stops carbohydrates from being absorbed, causing them to decompose intestines causing a number of unpleasant and often unpleasant symptoms including bloating, pain, gas, gastric mucus and diarrhea.

Increasing bacteria can cause nutrient deficiencies, food allergy and digestive enzymes that almost never work. It is a common condition that cannot be detected for years, even when symptoms present. Why not? Most people who have chronic digestive problems and have bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation are usually diagnosed with bowel syndrome. Doctors rarely consider bacterial growth in the small intestine as a problem.

What Causes Bacterial Contributions? There are many factors that can lead to SIBO. Some of the following conditions that can cause bacterial growth in the small intestine include:

oReduction motility in the small intestine - a condition caused by too much sugar and chronic stress. This condition can also occur from diabetes, scleroderma and hypothyroidism.

Extraordinary abnormalities in the small intestine - abnormalities may be due to small bowel diverticula, gastric bypass surgery, and intestinal obstruction. and others.

oHypochlorhydria - As people age, they produce less stomach acid. Abdominal acid helps eliminate bacteria in the small intestine. Therefore, if there is a decrease, the acid cannot eliminate enough bacteria.

Other causes - stress, prolonged use of steroids, antibiotics, antacids, birth control pills and other medications, immune deficiency, pancreatic enzyme deficiency and inadequate dietary fiber.

Are IBS and SIBO related?

A study conducted by researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California involved 202 participants with IBS. Each participant was tested for bacterial supplementation with lactulose breath hydrogen test. Someone with bacterial growth produces high levels of methane or hydrogen gas. The lactulose hydrogen test analyzes the gas in the breath, and is the best test for diagnosing SIBO.

At the end of the study it was found that out of 202 participants, 157 were tested positive for SIBO. When 157 people diagnosed with SIBO were treated for this condition, and additional bacteria in their intestines were eliminated, 48% of them experienced an increase in IBS symptoms.

Although it is known that bacterial growth and IBS may exist, researchers are still determining whether or not IBS is caused by SIBO. Some theories suggest that high levels of methane or hydrogen gas due to the addition of bacteria produce IBS symptoms. However, the theories have not been proven.

How do you treat SIBO?

Excess bacteria are avoided through the use of antibiotics. Unfortunately, while antibiotics can control bacteria, they are not cures. Like IBS, symptoms of SIBO often come back when the medication is stopped. Therefore, antibiotic treatment is often an ongoing process.

If you think you may have SIBO, talk to your doctor about taking a lactulose hydrogen test. If you find that SIBO is related to the cause of IBS, or even if not, it's a good idea to look at other alternatives and free forms of therapy to treat symptoms such as acupuncture other than medication.


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