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Aging Brilliantly - Dance of the Weights

Do you enjoy free weight training? Did I hear anyone say "YES?" If you don't enjoy your weight training, try using music to provide structure for your workouts. In other words, let the music determine your contraction speed ... go up one & two, down at about three & four. Don't just play music in the background and ignore it. Actually use music to guide your movement. Yes, you dance a lot.

Now, don't sling them and jump with them. That would be very dangerous. Always be careful with them, and if you have never been instructed on the right way to use weight, it's important to do so. It is important to include all muscle groups and balance the front and back exercises, upper and lower body.

Most parents will benefit by using one to three pounds of weight. The ACSM and AHA recommend strength training at least twice a week on non-consecutive days. The level of effort should be moderate (5-6, on a 10-point scale where 0 = sitting on your couch and 10 = carrying your couch) upwards (7 or 8). Eight to ten exercises should be performed, with a repetition of 10 to 15 reps. Strength training exercises should be progressive and involve all major muscle groups.

The benefits of strength training with light weight are many. The following list will give you an idea of ​​the importance of weight training in your daily training. Sometimes the senior would say to me, "Oh, I walk every day." And, I can't deny that walking is a great exercise. However, the new science of aging shows that it's not enough!

Over the past 15 years, studies have shown that resistance training or strength produces a variety of fitness benefits for older adults.

Based on your research, consider the following resistance exercises:

• Strength training can reduce the symptoms and symptoms of many chronic conditions, including arthritis, back pain, depression, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis.

• Minimizes or helps to prevent loss of lean body mass. Adults lose between 5-7 pounds of muscle every decade after age 20. Only strength training prevents muscle loss.

• Helps maintain an active metabolic rate. Physically inactive adults experience a 2-5 percent decrease in their basal metabolic rate every decade.

• May increase lean muscle mass. Research has shown that a program that follows the ACSM strength training guidelines (2-3 sets of 8-12 reps) works for 25 minutes three times a week, increasing body weight by an average of 3 pounds in eight weeks.

• Increase Recurrent Metabolic Wet Rate. Adding three pounds of muscle can increase your individual resting metabolism by 7 percent, and daily calorie requirements by 15 percent. Resting one pound of muscle burns about 35 calories per day.

• Lose Weight. Research on strength training has shown a 4-pound weight loss after 3 months of training, though individuals in the study increased their daily calorie intake by 15 percent.

• Increase Bone Mineral Density. Research has shown a significant increase in muscle myoprotein, and bone osteoprotein and mineral content after 4 months of training.

• Increased Glucose Metabolism. Research has shown a 23 percent increase in glucose intake after 4 months of strength training. The American Diabetic Association states that resistance training is important in increasing glucose release.

• Improved Study of Gastrointestinal Transit Time has shown a 56 percent increase in gastrointestinal transit time after 3 months of match training.

• Reduces blood pressure. Strength training reduces blood pressure resting on average 5 mm Hg. Both systolic and diastolic values ​​after 2 months of training.

• Increase Blood Lipid Levels. Some studies have revealed improved blood lipid profiles after several weeks of strength training. The improvements mentioned are the same for both endurance and strength training.

• Reduces back pain. A 1993 study found that long-term patients with back pain after 10 weeks of specific strength training (full) for lumbar spine muscles. It is important to note that more than 80 percent of American adults suffer from chronic or acute back pain.

• Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter (1994) published a study on weight training that led to the reduction of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

• Increase balance. Recent research has shown that strength training improves neurotransmitter (chemical) work in the brain that improves balance function.

Use free weights immediately after aerobic heating. Be sure to warm up all the joints that will be used in the weight order for the day. Your workout will typically take four - six songs depending on the length of the song - approximately fifteen to twenty minutes.

First exercise always! Standing heavily in each hand, corrects all posture points - shoulders and back, belly button to spine, core muscles, tight adhesive, loose knees, relaxed neck, head. The core muscles lift while the weight is resisting and attractive. With obstacles comes strength!


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