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African American Women and Hypertension - Are You at Risk?

It has been found that hypertension is most common among African Americans than any other population in the United States. The disease is not easily detected; therefore, he remained inactive for many years; as African Americans rarely complicate regular doctor visits.

Unfortunately, before African Americans sought medical attention, blood pressure was elevated to a life-threatening level. One of the main campaigns targeted by the Department of Health is to investigate and reduce the adverse effects of African Women and African American Hypertension.

Overall, African Americans developed high blood pressure at an earlier age than whites; thus subject to a variety of serious health problems at alarming rates. Studies have shown that there is an 80 percent higher mortality rate among African Americans as a result of stroke associated with hypertension.

There is a 50 percent higher mortality rate due to heart disease associated with high blood pressure. In addition, there is a higher mortality rate of 320percent associated with end-stage renal disease. Many African Americans live with hypertension for a long time; it has begun to damage the organs of the body.

African American women between the ages of 18 and 45 are being diagnosed with high blood pressure. As mentioned, this disease is the leading cause of heart disease and stroke in these young women. Just treating high blood pressure will reduce the risk of complications and further disease.

Treatment for African American women with high blood pressure can change from lifestyle changes to drugs like others. Because the risk of developing the disease is much higher, however, it is very important to adhere to the treatment. African American women do not engage in adequate amounts of physical activity. Research has found that African American women are too involved in other activities to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine.

In addition to exercising, other lifestyle modifications include losing weight if you are overweight or obese, consuming less alcohol and eating a low sodium diet. It is recommended that African American women include natural medicines in their diet such as herbs and vitamins while reducing fat and cholesterol. Natural supplements like potassium and magnesium can also reduce blood pressure.

Blood pressure levels can increase if African American women take any type of oral contraceptive. A doctor should offer alternative methods of birth control. For example, hormone replacement therapy in women after menopause has been shown to reduce the effects of blood pressure.

Experts will usually treat hypertension with more than one drug. One of the remedies given to African American women is Diurectic or Pills. Some over-the-counter drugs actually complicate high blood pressure causing the pressure to rise and disrupt the prescription drug.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African American women with high blood pressure are presenting at a higher rate than White or Hispanic women. In addition, there is an increased risk for severe high blood pressure among African American women due to unhealthy lifestyle and contributing genetic or environmental factors.

It is recommended that African American women visit their doctors to check their blood pressure regularly. It is also helpful to have a personal inspection device at home. Because of the high risk of hypertension among these populations, they are at greater risk of becoming victims of heart disease, stroke or kidney failure. It is recommended that African American women make serious lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of hypertension.


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