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You Don't Need Food Supplements to Stay Healthy

Do you take supplements? Why not?

If you answer "To stay healthy," then you are off the mark.

I took the Mature Multi Kirkland because my daughter insisted that I had to (and paid for that too). If not, I'll go with Dr. Donald McCormick, Ph.D. and Professor Emoryitus of biochemistry, who says, "A lot of money is wasted on providing unnecessary supplements to millions of people who don't need it."

This is after an Emory University study showed that almost half of people 65 and older take supplements from their daily diet.

If you are one of them, it's about time you think of your strategy to stay healthy. You can still achieve your additional goals through this.

1. Eat healthy:

Your body undergoes drastic changes as you age. One of these is to slow down your metabolism. This means your body will no longer be able to digest food as quickly as it is used.

To improve this condition, you must eat foods that are easier to digest so that they can be transformed into useful energy that your body needs.

Doing so will result in a pile of intolerable food that will cause the place, namely, face, arms, waist, to be obese.

To eat healthy, talk to your doctor or nutritionist about what you need for your diet.

o Fruits:

They are heavy in sugar as well as vitamins and nutrients.

Citrus fruits like grapefruit, lime, and lime are high in Vitamin C, while dark fruits such as berries, pomegranates, and high anti-oxide cherries.

Bananas, plums, and prunes are high in potassium for appropriate cell strength and function.

They also slow down aging by eliminating toxins from your body.

o Vegetables:

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and arugula are rich in vitamin B (folic acid), which is good for anemia and impaired nerve function.

And they are delicious too.

o Breast milk:

Dairy, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, is rich in calcium, which is needed to build and maintain strong bones, preventing bone fragility.

You can use peanut milk if you are lactose intolerant. They are also rich in calcium.

Avoid unpasteurized milk as it may contain harmful microbes e coli bacteria.

o Cereals and beans:

Grains and nuts in fiber are very important especially if you have digestive system problems.

They help prevent irregular bowel movements that can lead to unhealthy complications, such as colon cancer.

2. Drink plenty of water:

Old age also reduces your ability to carry your water until you are exposed to dehydration - one of the leading causes of anxiety among older people. It is associated with a high mortality rate among age groups.

Avoid dehydration by drinking at least eight, 8 glasses of water daily (about 3 liters) a day.

Soda, coffee, or tea are no substitutes for water as they can affect your body in other ways. Even herbal tea cannot replace water.

If you feel like taking fruit juice, do it yourself, not anything you get from a retail full of sugar and other preservatives.

3. Exercise:

According to WebMD, only one in four seniors, aged between 65 and 74, exercise regularly for various reasons such as being too old, or unformed, or simply lazy to stretch their muscles.

Exercise is always good regardless of age. This is a must when you are older.

It makes you feel stronger, happier and more passionate about life. It also prevents loss of bone density, improves balance and coordination, improves your memory, and minimizes the occurrence of chronic conditions, such as asthma.

Choose a less intense exercise routine to avoid overdoing it. For example, 30 minutes / day running fast, biking or tai-chi is good enough to flex your muscles and joints and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

4. Get enough sleep:

There is no standard number of hours per night, but six to seven hours of uninterrupted sleep at night will be good for you.

It's enough to give your body and mind a much-needed rest; it rejuvenates you and entertains you for the next day's activities.

Take the afternoon off too. They have been proven to be beneficial to older people like you.

5. Find the balance between mind, body and soul:

We are all made up of body, mind, and soul. They are inseparable. They go where you go, and do what you do. And you must give every one their attention and care.

You can do this by eating healthy, living healthy and thinking healthy.

You cannot favor one another without compromising your internal balance. Without balance, you will experience the physical and mental changes that come with aging.

According to Leanne Beattie, 15 to 50% of parents suffer from poor nutrition or malnutrition, while others have a sedentary lifestyle.

Together they contribute to the health and well-being of people 65 and over and use all three of their monthly budgets.

It doesn't have to be that way. As a pensioner, you should enjoy life without spending time with your doctor and your money on expensive medicine for your medical condition.

By changing your lifestyle and taking a few minutes a day to work with sweat, you can live a free and healthy life.


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