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Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass As We Age?

On average, by the time we reach the age of 60 we will lose about 30 percent of our muscle mass. These are things that most people take for granted. The first thought is right, no one can stop aging, however, we can change most of the age-related issues that come along with it. Muscle loss is not the same as anything else that comes with aging.

Causes of Muscle Loss!

There are several reasons for any health problems that come with age and muscle loss are not the only ones. Yes, our bodies are slowing down with age, faster than others. Retirement means less activity, longer nights and shorter days. Some of our habits change and so does our lifestyle. That means there are things we don't need to do anymore, at least not every day. This is something our bodies respond to and bring change and issues. At retirement, for most people, one of the pleasures of life is less or less likely and the body will respond to it. This is one way to lose muscle and lose weight, there are many others like diet, nutrition, exercise, activity and more.

Diet is the first thing to ask, is it less than a few things that the body needs to build muscle? Minerals, most commonly our bodies can get rid of minerals without seeing something for a while. Vitamins and proteins, we know protein builds muscle. But wait a minute, don't rush into the store for protein shakes, or spirulina supplements that are useless as a source of protein.

Not just Diet

Where does protein come from? It's not just diet or exercise, though it's an important part. At an older age the body produces less or more difficulty for the body to make protein. Lacking enough protein, we lose muscle mass that can cause hair to grow fragile, the immune system becomes sluggish, bones become weaker and fragile subject to bone fractures and breakage, and soothes the skin. Not all of these, protein deficiency can lead to anxiety, depression, sex drive suffering, this is just the main thing that can happen. Yes, diets like many other health problems have much to do with it. We assume that all proteins are from our diet and what we eat, but that is not the only source of protein.

Protein is made by the body with the help of proper diet, so the body can make the amino acids from which the protein originates. Other problems with age come absorption or deficiency. It does not always happen that the protein made by the body from the diet is used to build muscle. Due to its lack of absorption, the protein can turn into excess glucose and is used only for muscles. The same can be used for any additional pills you take; absorption can only be a small percentage, and it is least beneficial. Unless the mix of things you take with you is right your body misses.

For example, the highest source of protein food in eggs, do not put out yellow as some people try to tell you, make sure you use whole eggs. Eggs have AAU (Amino Acid Utilization) of 47 percent. Apart from fish, meat, poultry, they all account for about 32 percent of AAU. For the body to work its best to produce enough protein to build muscle, the digestive enzyme works well. If the digestive system is functioning properly, the amino acids will continue into the bloodstream. This is from being a building block for hormones, enzymes, connective tissue, bones and muscles. That's why the digestive function is so important for absorption, as well as the right combination of things we take. If not everything you eat includes the right foods, instead make the protein any extra amino acids into sugar, which is not the result you want.

Supplements are a must.

With age also comes the decline of absorption which is also a problem for the digestive system. This occurs when certain minerals and vitamins are not available from the normal diet. Natural supplements should have all the ingredients to maintain normal immune system function, protect the body from oxidative damage, help the body make folic acid that helps normal blood formation and cell division.

Supplements designed to contain lipid-soluble elements, maximize the bioavailability of these nutrients for absorption. It should have a proprietary combination of vitamins E, B and omega - 3 (EPA and DHA) derived only from natural, non-synthetic sources. Nitric oxide: A living molecule, nitro oxide is a gas with a chemical formula N - O: A molecule of nitrogen bonding to an oxygen molecule. Nitro oxide is something new, not many know about this special find from the mid-nineties. It is a natural remedy for the heart, blood vessels and generally for cardiovascular health and more.

Here are the main ingredients to take: Morning; Delicious mix with super fruit juice (30 ml bag.) Noon; Nitric Oxide in drops. Evening; Omega - 3 Capsules, to help build muscle. This will also increase absorption, as well as the best benefits you can get from the right supplements. There is nothing better than this.


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