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Water Fasting Diet Plan

Fasting water is the most important type of diet and detoxification regimen. In fasting water, you do not consume any food other than water for a specified period of time. Fasting water has many health benefits as it allows your whole body to recover from all the environmental and nutritional toxins we take. And the most important aspect is that it is very affordable as it only needs water. Here are the methods you need to run a water fasting diet plan.

Part one of the fasting water will be provided for him. You have to choose how much time you will fast. Novice should choose a shorter period of time to recognize that feeling first. Similarly, fasting more than 15 days and nights in a row without special assistance can be very dangerous and therefore not recommended. Whenever possible, also choose a time when you will not be under a lot of pressure or go through a lot of activities as they can reduce your energy speed. Prepare your system for fasting by minimizing consumption of alcohol, nicotine, coffee, sugar, dairy products, wheat, meat, seafood, and eggs at least seven days before fasting.

All through the fasting phase themselves, drink 7 to 10 glasses of purified or cleansed water daily. Do not drink tap water as it contains toxins and chemicals, thus defeating your water fasting goals. While fasting, get enough sleep and not distract yourself by working hard. Since you are not eating anything, it is typical to experience a decrease in your energy levels. You may also face some side effects during fasting such as headaches, loneliness, anxiety, and fatigue. If side effects are worse, stop fasting and talk to your doctor right away.

Due to the fasting period, you may not be able to eat as much food as quickly as your body will no longer be used and may react poorly. Start with a small meal first and observe how your body reacts first. It is also advisable to start with fast-absorbing foods such as fruits before moving them to harder places like meat.


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