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Toddler Formula Vs Cows Milk

I have recently done some research on which milk is best for children as most mothers seem to be concerned about whether their children should drink cow's milk, low fat milk or small formula outside their first day.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and to breastfeed for at least 2 years. So I guess if you're breastfeeding your little one, then cow's milk formula doesn't matter to you, that's one less thing to worry about, YAY!

Australian formula milk manufacturers and importers have signed a voluntary agreement that complies with the principles of the World Health Organization's World Health Organization Replacement Milk Code. Basically the codes and agreements prevent formulas for babies 12 months and under to be advertised in Australia. The purpose of this agreement and its advertising restrictions are to protect breastfeeding.

However, these restrictions do not apply to children and follow the formula. Therefore, by labeling milk formula as "gold" or "formula", marketing companies can advertise baby formula only by association. This may be one of the reasons for the heavy advertising of the child's formula.

Bellinda Kontominas a Medical Reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald (06/09/07) quoted Sydney pediatrician Dr Patricia McVeagh when she said "Unfortunately advertising creates parental vulnerability ... Nutritionally there is no need for breast milk in children healthy, and it's better to have 600 milliliters of cow's milk or cow's milk products like cheese or yoghurt. "

While many nutritionists will tell you that formula is similar to snacks, I think it's fair to say. It can supplement the diet of fussy eaters and children who may lose iron and calcium due to their restricted diet. And while there are other ways to combat hatred there are times when real life takes over and demands work, other kids, partners and others can make childhood formulas easy.

During my research, I was surprised to find that it was suggested in the National Diet Guidelines for Children and Adolescents that all children in Australia under the age of 2 consume low-fat milk. This is because saturated fat in full-fat milk accumulates in the arteries over time which increases the risk of heart disease, and that low-fat milk generally contains more calcium than full-fat milk.

In contrast, children between 12 and 24 months of age require full fat milk and soy milk cannot be offered to infants under 12 months, children over 2 years of age with lactose intolerance may be offered soy milk containing calcium supplement.

So at the end of the day keeping things simple is usually the best way to go. Breast milk is great for children, it contains everything they need to be healthy and strong. It's cheaper than formula, it's easy to get out, it's good for grains and it's something you don't have to let go of your little ones as they get older. So why is it so difficult to use a child formula when you don't have to?


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