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The Miracles of a Mother's Love

Many of us grew up in a beautiful, safe home environment, loved by our mother. We experience the warmth and comforting words our mother generously gives, often daily.

When we cut ourselves off or our stomach aches he is there ready to comfort us and take away our pain. Mother's love is strong, but is it strong enough to heal?

I remember the times my son, that little boy, would run away with tears.

"My head hurts."

I still have strong memories.

"My mom has a stomach ache."

I would put my hand on his head or stomach while visualizing and imagining the bright light flowing in and around him. With the intention of healing her, or taking her pain away, I pray she will feel better.

I don't remember the time when the method didn't work. Usually he would relax and in a few minutes, a smile on his face, he would leave. Walking to play, I often heard him yelling back at me,

"Thank you Mom."

There was a time when I had to make what seemed like a close call. My son, baby at the time, high fever and my husband, the law and I was very concerned.

I held her close to me in my bed and gently touched her forehead. Describing the cooling of a fever and whatever it was that caused me to pray.

I keep doing this for what looks like a clock. When she saw her fever rise to 104 my mother-in-law was angry and disappointed.

"You need to take him to the hospital now."

She screamed.

Despite my concerns, I am aware that hospitals may be a dangerous place especially for infants. I have heard stories of children receiving the wrong medication or getting infections, their condition worsening after their stay. That's not my choice.

The fever breaks out and then we learn that fever is a natural, often functioning as a healing mechanism.

Sherry Hansen Steiger, author of 'The Wonders of Mother's Love', recounts the experience she had when her six-year-old daughter slipped her hand through the car door, which had been closed by her nanny. The hospital, X-rays confirmed his son's finger was broken, but after holding his hand and praying for his son, shocking the doctor, the boy's hand immediately healed.

"I asked the babysitter to join me in prayer as I laid my hands on Melissa's fingers. When the doctor returned, she was surprised to see the child recover," This is a miracle, "she said." 1

There are stories of mothers who have the power beyond their imagination as they fight to save their children from arrest and drowning. There are also documented miracles because their love is strong enough to bring their children back to death.

Published in an Online Health Letters by Foreign Service, titled "Miraculous mothers bring their unborn baby back to life, with two hours of loving care, after she was pronounced dead." Tell the little story of Jamie, a twin, born to Kate and David Ogg.

After being told that their pre-baby boys couldn't survive, they handed it over to say goodbye. Two hours later, miraculously, the baby was still in their hands "beginning to show signs of life." 2

The miracle of healing that comes from a mother's love for her children goes beyond what we know to be scientific or medical. If there is a formula for motherly love and it can be put in a bottle we won't have to worry about pain.

1 The Miracle of Mother Love, Sherry Hansen Steiger

2 / Miracle-premature-baby-health article declared dead revived by touching mothers.


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