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Some Simple Ways to Fight Inflammation With Food and Diet

Baby boomers in America are looking for answers to their health and that includes reducing the pain and suffering associated with inflammation. There are several natural ways to alleviate muscle aches and joints and to counteract the toxic effects of drugs

There are several options out there that can help with inflammation. Here are some of them:

Acid Fat Acid

There are many people who talk about the benefits of good EFA including Oprah, Dr. Oz and others. There are many supplements on the market today. Some good sources of EFA are fish, hemp seeds, nuts, certain oils such as canola and soybeans. There are also some sources of EFA plants such as purslane and brussel sprouts. 2 grams per day of EFA is considered sufficient for most people. If you plan to get your EFA from the fish plan to eat it twice a week. If you are thinking about supplementing your diet with fish oil, you will definitely want to get one that is certified toxins such as heavy metals as well as one that meets GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices).


Glyconutrients are a new category of 8 nutrients that many believe are essential for our immune system to function optimally. They are plant-based sacharrides common to the saccharides found in glycoproteins on the surface of human cells. This glycoprotein is responsible for many functions such as cell to cell recognition, immune system function and many other functions. Researchers are beginning to look for links between abnormal glycoprotein structure and health problems such as inflammation among other diseases. You can find some of the nutrients in foods and herbs such as Shataki mushrooms, Aloe Vera, Echinacea and others but it is questionable if you can get enough of them to maintain health. Improving your diet with these sacharrides has proven to be very beneficial to many people. The glyconutrient supplement key has all 8 sacks in standard form and one that complies with Good Manufacturing Practice.


Antioxidants are scavengers that neutralize free radicals by releasing electrons and neutralizing them. You can get antioxidants from foods like berries (blueberries, blackberries, rasberries, etc.), cherries, apples and many vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Supplements that provide antioxidant value should have an ORAC rating, "Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity". Be sure to find out if ORAC is an antioxidant that you are interested in blood serum. Just because a supplement is highly tested in a laboratory tube or test does not necessarily mean it will have the same protection in the body. The best way to measure the antioxidant ORAC value is to measure its effectiveness in blood serum. Before you start any supplements, you will be able to find these details.

Other Specific Foods That Help with inflammation

There are several other foods that will help a lot with the inflammation and pain associated with it. Here they are: Turmeric - This anti-inflammatory called curcumin. There are cancer chemicals and antioxidants.

Ginger - This food has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidant protection against free radicals is another benefit. Also in Ginger there is a chemical called gingerols, which is anti-inflammatory. It is believed that these chemicals are the reason why so many see relief from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Pineapple - has an enzyme in it called Bromelain. Bromelain helps reduce inflammation and pain in the joints. Also, the enzymes found here are good for angina and wound healing.

These foods and supplements can help reduce inflammation and pain and, in turn, improve your quality of life.


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