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Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms - Insomnia

With age, sleep problems are becoming more and more common. Menopause is a time when many women start losing sleep or, if they have lost their sleep before, lose even more. Insomnia, which is defined as difficulty in sleeping or returning to sleep after an awakening, is a frequent symptom of menopausal symptoms and perimenopause.

Another common and irritating symptom of menopause is restless legs syndrome (RLS), in which unpleasant breathing or painful sensations in your feet make you a jerk or avoid it to relieve discomfort. This may be reduced by making sure you have plenty of magnesium, B-group vitamins, vitamin E and iron in your diet.

The estrogen deficiency that causes night sweats is also responsible for regular wakefulness, but the inability to fall or stay is often exacerbated by unhealthy eating and drinking habits, medications, chronic anxiety, stress and depression responsible for vigilance. This should be avoided in the late afternoon.

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects your individual organs and your overall metabolism, and is a major cause of sleep disorders. If you have trouble sleeping, you need to reduce your intake. You should not drink too much fluid at bedtime, as this will fill your bladder and interfere with your sleep. Try not to eat heavy foods before bed; it's best if you can eat no later than 7 p.m. - but don't go to bed on an empty stomach either.

Herbal Remedies for Menopause

Passionflower can help relieve anxiety and anxiety. Take it as: infusion (2 to 5 grams of dried herbs three times a day), as a fluid extract (10 to 30 drops three times a day), or as a tincture (1: 5 in 45 percent alcohol). Alternatively, try valerian in capsule form; 150 - 300 mg may be taken an hour before bedtime.

Chemical Treatment

Short-acting sleeping pills can be effective in the short term, but there is always a risk of (addiction) to these medications, and you may find that you begin to take larger doses to achieve the same effect, which eventually leads to insomnia. without them.

Melatonin supplements - which mimic the action of brain hormones of the same name, produce drowsiness - are used in the United States to treat sleep disorders. However, they are not available in the UK except through the internet and for limited psychological problems. If you are looking for a cure for persistent insomnia, you should consult your healthcare professional.


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