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Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally Using These Tips

High blood pressure is when your blood pressure remains high (read 140/90 mm Hg or higher). It is a measure of how blood pushes to the artery wall as it moves through your body. Hypertension is also known as hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease such as stroke and congestive heart failure. There are natural ways to control hypertension. These include lifestyle changes such as exercise, weight loss, eating health or limiting alcohol use.

Do not take these steps to lower your blood pressure.

Exercise: Physical activity is important for controlling hypertension. Exercising about half an hour daily can reduce your blood pressure to a safe level. Talk to your doctor before making an exercise plan to see if you need training restrictions.

Lose weight : Weight loss reduces circulating insulin levels and leptin. This in part reduces the sensitivity of this hormone and reduces the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. It also lowers plasma renin levels and aldosterone levels. All of these factors improve the condition of hypertensive patients.

Eat healthy: Dietary changes can control your hypertension. It is important to adopt a DASH (Diet Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet. This includes eating more whole grains of food, fruits and vegetables. Eating foods rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium is also part of this plan. The DASH diet plan also includes eating foods with salt / sodium, sweets, sugars, sugary drinks, fats, and red meat.

Reduce Sodium intake: Reducing sodium in your diet can also help with this medical condition. To help you reduce your salt intake, read the food labels for their sodium percentages, use natural herbs and herbs for flavor instead of salt. Cutting processed foods like potato chips and bacon can also help.

Limit alcohol use: Drinking too much alcohol can increase blood pressure and reduce the effectiveness of hypertension medications. It will also improve your health in many ways.

Don't smoke or avoid cigarettes are used: Nicotine found in tobacco products can increase your blood pressure. Smoking or inhaling other people is at risk for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Don't stress: Stress can temporarily increase your blood pressure. It is important to know the sources of your stress and find healthy ways to deal with them.

Limit caffeine intake: Drinking caffeine can increase the pressure at which the heart pumps blood. To find out how caffeine affects you, check your blood pressure before and after drinking caffeine drinks.


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