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John Harvey Kellogg: An Overlooked Pioneer of Wellness and a Very Colorful Character


Dr. Halbert L. Dunn is a character, as has been the case with many welfare pioneers. So do figures like John W. (Jack) Travis, Bill Hettler, Robert and Judd Allen and Grant Donovan. Apply to the well-being of the term broadly, as almost everyone does, and all health advocates are pioneers of health. I believe in a well-being view of well-being where anyone who writes a book about a growing human being, or talks to a class or audience about wellness, editing a journal or newsletter on a subject, encourages a child or a friend or otherwise advocates doing more than nurturing. health and happiness are pioneers of health. And character, too, because we all have our eccentric nature of one kind or another.

However, there are many pioneers, characters and advocates of health promotion as they make a big name for themselves promoting the lifestyle, mindset and actions that many now see as health. Colorful contemporary examples that focus on fitness and sound diets include Kenneth Cooper, Francois Henri Jack LaLanne, Jane Fonda, Marion Nestle, Michelle Obama and Richard Simmons. Yes, when colorful terms and exercises are mentioned, there's no way to ignore Richard Simmons.

Informed Americans with an interest in healthy lifestyles recognize these names, especially celebrities. However, no one has come close to fame, or influence, arguably the most colorful and perhaps most influential of all - John Harvey Kellogg (2/26/1852 - 12/14/1943).

Biological Life

Although quite familiar with Dr. Kellogg (I like T. Coraghessan Boyle's 1993 novel, Freewaye and a 1994 film adapted of it by Anthony Hopkins, Bridget Fonda and Matthew Broderick), a 2017 book about her sparked my interest. The title of the book, The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers Battle Creek by physician / historian Howard Markel (391 pages plus 87 pages of notes and 25 index pages).

I highly recommend it.

In The Kellogg's inner jacket, Dr. Markel declared John Harvey a patron saint in pursuit of prosperity and the king of well-being. Throughout this book, references to John's pioneering role in enriched well-being begin with the introduction of the introductory page: John Harvey Kellogg and his brother Will introduce and market the concept of wellness concepts and, in turn, change how the world eats breakfast. No less than 350 million people eat a bowl of Kellogg's Corn Flakes daily.

The author repeatedly stated that Dr. Kellogg's biological life should be viewed in the context of today's health movement. Another example: Undoubtedly, its most lasting contribution to the American community encourages the pursuit of well-being ... a concept that is now generally healthy in the mind, body and spirit to promote longevity as well as prevent disease.

Dr Kellogg is constantly campaigning against sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress and anxiety, lead poisoning (from water channeled through the main pipeline), drugs, meat, tobacco, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and eating disorders. He also campaigned well on the positive side of health, for exercise, regular exercise, fresh air, massages, clean water, stress management, plenty of sleep, soybeans and minced nuts. She advocated social reform, too, such as better conditions for the poor, women's suffrage and energy conservation in agricultural practices.

Although Dr. Kellogg may never have used or even heard of the term's well-being, he named a lifestyle like health promoted in the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium biological life. Fair enough.

Magic Genius with Powerlessness and Ambition

No one is perfect and that certainly includes Dr Kellogg's amazing. Before eventually breaking out of the Battle Creek Sanitarian and other issues, he was the eldest daughter of Ellen and James White. Ellen was a self-centered prophet, developing a spiritual vision of various kinds to raise money and control her followers. Seventh-day Adventists of the time were anti-science, as is true of today's religious fundamentalism, mixing religious spirit with vegetarianism and other abstinence for a healthy life. Adventist leaders have made a habit of predicting the end of the world, together with the Second Coming of Jesus, enlivened by almost all hellfire. Initially Dr. Kellogg took another step or two, practicing the crime of masturbation while insisting on sexual abstinence, except for reproductive purposes - and only later when the spouses who were involved in the illness did not enjoy the process. (This may be an element of the doctoral philosophy of biological life, but I am not aware of any modern-day health promoters who take this position. As co-authors Health Orgasm with Grant Donovan, I can assure you that you are definitely not encouraged in REAL health orientations.)

Later in his career, after a break with Ellen White and the Adventist, Dr. Kellogg's decline, and his new books are primarily concerned with promoting biological life in books and lectures, research, philanthropy, interactions with world leaders and national celebrities from all walks of life and, of course, the beloved Battle Creek Sanitarium.

Wellness Perspective Specific Note

* Dr.'s Experience Kellogg's world led him to believe that people did not like to be renewed; but they are welcome to be informed, educated and encouraged to see the bright side of life, this and (in his mind) the next.

* Food served at San (Sanitarium) is prepared and seen not only as a deterrent to digestion and disease but as a healthy hobby that allows visitors to participate in the joys of life.

* Unlike today's trends, Dr. Kellogg promotes gluten, which is considered one of the most valuable cereal elements that enriches the brain, bones, nerves, muscles and blood.

* After cessation of relationship with Ellen White and Adventist, Dr. Kellogg's decline dramatically, and religion in general has given way to devotion to biological life, mostly from a secular orientation.

* Dear corn flakes are the culmination of efforts to create the perfect meal. Author Markel notes that Kellogg will be shocked to learn that the multinational company that bears the Kellogg's name today has earned its fortune by defending its product with many sugars and artificial flavors, including abominations such as Frosted Flakes.

* Doctors have dramatic talent. Markel describes his recent years as marked by freedom from obstacles and the onset of entertaining hatred. Two habits stand out. One is daily exercise and sunsets in small amounts that do not cover their genitals; other habits that come from special pride in the movement of the gut. To Dr. Kellogg, this specimen testifies to the advantages of biological nutrition. She bragged to anyone who would hear that her poop didn't smell bad. She says her stink smells like baby nurses - and insists on it. The author describes the regular meeting:

In the middle of the conversation, John would allow himself to go to the bathroom and appear with his former animal specimen. Then he proudly placed it under the nose of his companions to show his odorless nature.

The pity is that Monty Python does not produce Road to Wellville movie. If John Cleese and the company had filed their interpretation of Dr Kellogg's poaching demonstration, we would not have been so haunted today with the memory of Mr. Creosote inside Meaning of life. (Although we may not get the scene of Dr. Kellogg's demonstration in mind, either).

The Dark Side Dr. Kellogg

Dr. Kellogg has been blamed for his involvement and promoted half-baked theories, including chemically treated female castration, soaking cold-watered patients, subjecting guests to the Sanitarium to what was forced before and after food and therapy electric shock. And then there's his eugenics madness. It was a popular pseudoscience of its time and, later, for a while. It is characterized by its orientation to destroy a group of declining genes with unintentional dysfunction properties, or worse, unwanted racial traits. However, doctors have taken eugenics not shared by their primary supporters, that is, with biological lives, committed individuals, or entire segments of the population, they may, over time, acquire and transmit superior features. In addition to biological life, this will be done with best hygiene and better living conditions. And no doubt, mastering their domain - Dr. Kellogg never gave up on his war on self-abuse.

(Also, as a lecturer, I try to interact with the audience, so I think - it might be fun to take a page from John Harvey Kellogg now and then. I think most people will enjoy the benefits of Kellogg's (usually smoking, devil rum, eating too much. , sugar, etc.), provided that they are aware of all the theater. Moreover, they also appreciate their focus on exercise, vegetables, before their corporate successor takes over and freezes the debris. when all the oratorical guns point to the fear of masturbation Take the page from Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart and I to the altar call, with background music by George Beverly Shea singing Just As I Am. forward, professing to shake hands with the devil, flutter, pump the python, growl cabbage brother - an abomination of any name, and to repent, renew and rejoice in the purity of REAL health.

All of this will be followed by a huge cover, which they will soon forget. Only when they recover from repentance will I release myself into a proud account that praises the benefits of Kellogg's diet. Taking another page from John Harvey's health pioneer, I will explain the obvious rewards of Kellogg's diet at both ends of the digestive process. If anyone seems to doubt me (Kellogg's claim), I'll do it John Harvey - I'll say: Hold on a minute: I'll go to the back room but I'll be back.

Thirty seconds later, when I appear with a specimen jar, the crowd goes wild - in fear. And then I'm going to knock out some people theatrically, asking for volunteer members to test and testify to the merits of my claim.

I do not need to mention that I would not actually hold the real McCoy in the former specimen - just the kind of mud that was thrown to perfection for that purpose.)

Real health speech can never be boring, or conventional. As I have said many times over the years, well-being is too important to present, or live, sad.


The W. K. Kellogg Wellness Foundation created by and named for his estranged brother is today one of the largest in the world, currently worth $ 9.5 billion. It focuses on improving the health of children and their families in Michigan and across the U.S. and all over the world.

John Harvey Kellogg's energy level and breathtaking achievement. He not only built, developed and operated the world-famous Battle of Creek Sanitarium, a world-class university and spa, but also conducted research that led to the creation of new foods, establishing medicine,

nursing and cooking schools, publishing bestselling books, brochures and reports around the world, performing charity missions, patenting and successfully promoting various mechanical creations (including exercise machines), funded public health projects, job training programs, soup kitchens and more. He does all this while attending to the medical needs and concerns of the wealthy, well-known and powerful, and tens of thousands of health-seekers not in any of these three categories.

Like anything else, for better or sometimes worse (as in eugenics misadventure), he devoted himself to what he believed, rightly more often than not, for the benefit of all mankind.

All right and whether you call it biological life, well-being, true well-being or something, choose wisely and enjoy as much life as you can.


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