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Is Fasting Healthy? The Pros and Cons

In this article I will talk about fasting, if it is healthy and its benefits and disadvantages.

Fasting has been around for centuries. For example, Moses fasted for 40 days when he received the commandments in the Bible. There is a fast in Islam with Ramadan and Gandhi fasting in protest.

Now there is one thing called diet 5: 2. Eat 5 normal meals and 2 days 25% off what you normally eat.

Is it healthy without food? First let's talk about negatives. The first thing that came to my mind was that eating healthy was as hard as it was and most people couldn't. Going without food or 25% of what you normally eat is more difficult. It's almost like a crazy new year resolution that no one is following.

The next negative is that it's not fun. You know you'll feel a little miserable for the days you don't eat.

The good news is that there are many health benefits to not eating for a few days. Researchers say fasting "reverses the regenerative switch" that creates new white blood cells, essentially replacing the entire immune system. This can be done within 3 days.

According to USC News, two studies have shown short-term rapid breathing of cancer cells and assisted selection therapies targeting cancer.

Researchers at the Heart Institute for Inter-mountain Medical Center found that men, who fasted for 24 hours, had a 2000% increase in human growth hormone, which regenerates cells. They have also reduced their triglyceride reduction, increased HDL cholesterol and stabilized their blood sugar.

The next child who has epilepsy seizures has fewer of them when placed on calorie restriction or fasting. You might think that when you go without food, you can't think clearly.

A study at the National Medical Library looked at women with 24-hour food shortage and tested how sharp they were.

No tasks - including constant attention, attention, easy reaction time or immediate memory are affected.

However, performance on low-processing load punch tasks was poor when subjects were deprived of food for 24 hours prior to testing. I'm not sure what that means.

Additional memory improves when someone is deprived of food. The US National Library tests 50 people before and after they experience a 30% calorie reduction. They found significant increases in oral memory memory after calorie restriction.

Also limiting the amount of calories you eat can help a person live longer. Japan has more people living in the past 100 than anywhere else and has practiced the art of eating up to 80% full. Limiting the calories of mice, yeast, flies, monkeys and worms has shown them to live longer.


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