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I'm Pregnant-Now What!

Congratulations! Now that you're pregnant, everyone will start giving you advice on what to do and what not to do. Here are some suggestions to help you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy.

Have your first checkup for the first six to eight weeks of your pregnancy. Your gynecologist will determine how many weeks of pregnancy you have based on your physical examination and the date of your last period.

Now comes the fun part. You need to follow some nutrition guidelines, which means you need about 300 extra calories a day, especially after your baby's pregnancy develops quickly. If you are very thin or carry twins, you need more. But if you are overweight, your doctor may advise you to take fewer calories.

It is important to maintain a balanced diet that incorporates lean meat; fruits; vegetables; wheat bread; and low-fat dairy products. By eating healthy, balanced foods, you are more likely to get the nutrients you need. But you need more important nutrients, especially calcium, iron, and folic acid than you did before you became pregnant.

Your doctor will prescribe prenatal vitamins to ensure that both you and your baby are growing. However, taking prenatal vitamins does not mean that you can eat very low nutrients. It is important to remember that you still need to eat well during pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are essential to your diet, and are not considered the only source of essential nutrients.

In addition, make sure you drink plenty of fluids; exercise; and sleep a lot. Avoid alcohol; any medicine; smoking; caffeine; and certain foods such as: unpasteurized cheese and milk; foods containing raw eggs; meat and fish are immature and processed. You can, however, occasionally have a piece of chocolate.

From the first week to the forty, it's important to take care of yourself to look after your baby. While you need to take precautions and always know what you are doing and not doing, many women say that they have never felt healthier than when they brought their children.


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