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Hoodia Gordonii USA

People have asked us to buy hoodia pills at US stores. Major retail giants like the GNC offer some hoodia supplements, but hoodia gordonii does not grow in the United States, so all pure hoodia gordonii is imported from Africa.

The main concern for buying hoodia gordonii from any additional company is quality. If the United States hoodia gordonii product is not a native hoodia gordonii then the appetite will not be suppressed. Unsatisfied customers have reported problems with some hoodia products. Occasionally, other hoodia products allow them to achieve their goals. Anyone with access to the internet can investigate the product before purchasing it. Probably the best answer where to buy hoodia pills in US stores is to investigate the product, before you buy it.

Hoodia Gordonii United States

DexL 10 is a product sold by GNC that, according to the label, supplies 500mg hoodia gordonii. According to the company, their products have been analyzed by independent and native hoodia gordonii laboratories. However a sample evaluated by Alkemists Pharmaceuticals for Hoodia, a South African non-profit company interested in providing accurate information on hoodia supplements, shows a near zero trace of hoodia gordonii and they are unable to confirm the presence of p57 molecules in the sample tested. P57 is believed to be an active molecule in hoodia gordonii according to the Scientific and Industrial Research Council (CSIR) in South Africa. CSIR is the first to report that hoodia gordonii causes weight loss in laboratory animals, but not due to any obvious toxic effects. Perhaps, the question should be; where we can buy US native hoodia gordonii products. And the best answer to this question may be the internet.

Another product that GNC sells is hoodia herbal combinations. There have been no studies on the efficacy or safety of combining hoodia gordonii with other botanicals. The combination of hoodia herbs containing stimulants and stimulants can cause many unwanted side effects. People looking for Native American hoodia gordonii products may need to buy them from the internet. Desert Burn has an outlet in New Jersey. Desert Burn is a US based company whose hoodia gordonii has been certified by several independent laboratories including Alkemists Pharmaceuticals for Hoodia

Another consideration regarding where to buy hoodia pills in US stores is dosage. Although there is no standard dose to achieve the suppression of appetite from hoodia gordonii, one must report that it takes about 3000mg a day. This means that if the product contains only 500mg of one capsule and the average bottle contains 30 capsules, then one must buy two bottles a month. This can be expensive, because even the most expensive products cost about $ 40 per bottle. Another US-based company, Hoodia XR sells a 1000mg tablet, which costs $ 49.95 for a bottle of 90 capsules. This is a thirty day supply. Hoodia XR displays CITES permits and analysis from the IBC labs on their website. Probably the best hoodia gordonii product of the United States sold only on the internet.

For more information on hoodia gordonii USA products, visit the Hoodia Blog Blog.


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