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5 Reasons Why Your Baby Keeps Getting Colic (And What You Can Do About Them)

New parents face many difficult battles for doing the right thing, but none fight more than baby colic. It is a condition that appears without much warning, but is often translated by friends and family as "fussy" or "fussy" or "just needy." This is an exciting "condition" that affects the baby at two weeks old, so it will be something that a young baby can become one of.

However, one thing that most people associate with colic is how upset the baby is and how often she cries, the first question that new parents often ask is: How do I help her go?

The exact cause of colic is unknown. It presents itself and then when the baby is about three to four months old, it usually disappears. This makes treating baby colic very difficult for medical professionals. One thing to understand is that there is no "cure-all" available.

As mysterious as possible, experts say you can do very simple things at home to make life easier for your baby:

1. Creating calming sounds for babies can help. Turning on, turning on the fan, or using "white noise" can be an easy way to relieve stress for colic babies.

2. Sometimes colicky babies can be sensitive to light, so having a darker environment can help with less stress.

3. Motivation can be an important part of helping the baby colic feel better. New parents can put their baby in their car seat and ride the car. The comfort of sitting with the movement of car light can soothe your baby. Add to it the relatively, but not completely quiet, car cabin, and now you have a great "white and white" sound source.

4. Some experts believe that keeping your baby from swallowing too much air during breastfeeding can help treat colic. Sitting on your baby while using a specially designed bottle can help. Using a nipple with smaller holes can also help.

5. The important thing to remember is to make sure you do everything you can to make your home a safe place. Almost all of the tips listed above indicate "relaxation pressure" and "less stress". Because there is a lot in the air when it comes to colic symptoms and treatment, stress can often have a major negative impact on your home life. All the baby can do is show some dissatisfaction, and with their mom or dad they can't help.

New parents may be wondering where breastfeeding falls in terms of colic. Things get a little more confusing. Some experts believe it may be possible that colic can be triggered by irritation in the baby's diet because something breastfeeding may eat it. However, other experts believe there is no such connection. Research is still underway, and as mentioned earlier, colic is still a bit of a mystery. As always, consult your doctor to plan more comprehensive actions for your child.


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