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Weight Watchers - An Introduction

If you are interested in nutrition, then you may be interested in Weight Watchers.

Weight Watchers is an international company set up to help their clients lose and maintain their weight. They also have a large number of dietary products that customers can buy to help them maintain a successful and long-term weight loss.

Weight Watchers was founded by Jean Nidetch in 1963. Today, Weight Watchers has outlets in more than 30 countries, worldwide. So, if you are thinking of starting a healthy weight loss journey, be aware of Weight Loss.

Weight Watchers diet plans, for the most part, are reasonable, and compared to some other diets out there, don't starve too much.

Weight Watchers is a well-known name in the world of dieting. As a matter of fact, it is one of the few diets that has achieved great success worldwide and remains an excellent test of time.

An interesting insight into how Weight Watchers actually work is that they have replaced the word "calories" for "eyes." Each food item has its own eye value. The plan is organized in such a way that the dieter is only allowed to "use" certain points on a given day.

The "Flex Point" system used for Weight Watchers helps keep track of how much food you can take. For example, you're actually entitled to a total of 35 flex points per week for you to spend on whatever you want.

Weight Watchers require you to attend a "lesson" of your diet at a local center. There, you will need to meet with a weight loss counselor, who will help you plan your personal diet plan. Planning does not stop there, you are required to return to your counselor to update your plan. The continuous flow of these meetings allows them to monitor the weight loss process more closely and make adjustments as needed. So always remember to skip the table and include this important visit to the counselor in your calendar.

Weightlifters also have therapy sessions and group discussions. All participants are encouraged to voice or share their thoughts, especially when they are frustrated or not doing well with their weight loss progress.

Weight Watchers also have a healthy recipe, which they happily share with their participants to help them prepare healthier and more nutritious meals at home.

Weight Watchers is more than just a weight loss plan. Weight Watchers lets you go on a weight loss journey as a group, with people also trying to lose weight. Most importantly, the diet plan is designed to be sustainable. Unlike many fad diets in the world of diets that offer temporary results and have potentially harmful side effects Weight Watchers are a safe alternative.

With this program you don't have to go it alone, in fact, you are basically forced to make your weight loss plan public, and you are fully accountable.

This publicity is one of the reasons why Weight Watchers are so popular among many nutritionists.


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