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The Trick to Prolonging Ejaculation

Change your diet. Extending ejaculation can be done in many ways, but it starts with your diet. Eat healthy. Drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables, cut red meat and sodium, and leave it in the shape.

From there, there are several other ways you can try.

Spend More Time With Yourself

Yep, (insert your favorite euphemism here) can help prolong ejaculation. You can build up resistance and stamina and get some practice while fasting and holding on for a few more minutes. Next time you own the house, see how long you can go. It sounds raw, but it helps, and your special lady will be grateful.

Pace Yourself

It's not a race, you don't have to go as you did when you were eighteen (show us an eighteen-year-old who can go an hour and we'll show you a flying pig). Take your time, and step back and use the other tools available if you think it'll be faster than you like.

Don't worry about this

Sometimes, lightning is good. It doesn't take an hour and a half to get it. The only time that matters is when it's the only kind of performance you can afford. If not, don't imagine for three to ten minutes now and then. As long as you can run a marathon when called upon, there's nothing wrong with doing some sprints now and then.

Drink More Water and Exercise

We discussed this at first, but it's true. Drinking more water can help with just about anything, and lots of exercise. Take a walk or sport with your friends over the weekend. This will give you better physical condition and give you better control over your own body.


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