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The Influence Of The Pituitary Gland On Your Body

The pituitary gland, through the hypothal-amus, is located just above it, as well as the appetite center and body sleep center. Loss of appetite, and insomnia! Two universal complaints found in thousands of past forty-four groups that have deviated from good nutrition regulations. Research has shown that the pituitary is very sensitive to diet. If you do not eat enough high protein foods (meat, in particular, has a stimulating effect on the gland), then your pituitary cannot produce a dozen milk supplies or more essential hormone, protein. In addition to protein, the pituitary is stimulated by vitamin E (the richest source of wheat germ); and an increase in the amount of vitamin A either in food or in concentrated form, has a direct beneficial effect on the whole endocrine group.

Also important for a healthy pituitary gland is mineral manganese. Foods rich in minerals are citrus fruits, outer layers of cereals, edible plant green leaves, egg yolks and all fish, mainly derived from salt water. It may also be mentioned here that relaxation of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland always results in abnormal craving for sweets. And again we see the vicious circle that first formed — too much starch and sweets, and too little protein that causes the pituitary gland to starve; and then a greater desire for more of the same high-nutrient foods that caused problems in the first place.

Your thyroid sets the rate

This well-known endocrine family member is located on the front of the neck. (Goiter is no larger than enlarged thyroid gland.) Thyroid is larger in women than in men, and is larger in adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Thyroxine, as the hormone secreted by the thyroid gland is called, about 60 percent of iodine. This essential hormone is formed when organic iodine combines the thyroid gland with amino acids (proteins), aided by other amino acids. From this, we establish the fact that protein is essential for a properly functioning thyroid gland. The main task of the thyroid hormone is to determine the speed at which you live — in other words, the rate at which your body uses its oxygen. For this reason, the thyroid gland has the power to increase your sensitivity to all normal mental and physical stimuli. For amazing levels, the thyroid also controls the flow of your ever-changing emotions. When functioning normally, your thyroid may not be too fat, or too thin. The texture and quality of your skin and hair are regulated by thyroid hormones. The traces of thyroxine trace in the blood are dry, rough, goose skin; and dry, lifeless, brittle hair.

The thyroid gland is also closely related to the normal function of all other glands in your body. Because the thyroid gives your body a lot of energy and endurance, serious disruption of the gland's work causes the gland to slow down, even losing all of its functioning power. That is why sexual instincts are extremely inactive in men or women who are overweight - their bodies are extremely fat behind the diseased thyroid gland. From the past, you can begin to appreciate that the thyroid gland determines the degree to which you are interested in youth — and that remains. Because thyroid hormones help regulate the texture of your skin and hair, control your weight, regulate the amount of energy you have and stimulate your sexual energy, it's not too much to say that early signs of premature aging have a beginning of the thyroid gland in under par.

When administered in normal amounts, the thyroid hormone helps you stay mentally and physically attractive - two things that are of the essence of youth. Healthy and healthy thyroid gland is very important for women who are approaching menopause. The thyroid hormone helps fight the weight gain, ignorance and carelessness that typically afflicts women during this emotional period. A serious decline in thyroid hormone is currently known to cause arthritis. The normal thyroid gland can also help maintain a woman's sexual desire during menopause, and for many years after her climax. The same goes for sexual power in men, who must also undergo a climax that is usually set at around fifty-five. I don't have to be patient with the fact that a normal sex life helps more men, or women, to maintain their youth than to any other single factor. And not only do they feel younger, they look younger. Love, and love, brings shine to the eyes and springs to the steps that no other tonic in the world can provide, no matter your age.

Proteins have a specific and dynamic effect on all endocrine glands, but especially on the thyroid. This is true because the protein activates the thyroid, keeping it from becoming sluggish, from atrophying. Gynecologists will tell you that it is a well-known fact that the thyroid gland of indigestible people is almost atrophied. Furthermore, the same experts will tell you that maintaining a healthy thyroid gland prevents dry and damp skin, thinning hair, poor circulation, cold sensitivity, easy fatigue, damaged eradication, reduced body metabolism and total loss of power. sexual which is not only a characteristic of old age, but also a vague symptom of inactive thyroid in the aged body. Therefore, the nutrients needed for proper diet of your thyroid gland include high-grade protein; iodine as found in seafood, in vegetables grown near the ocean, and in concentrated minerals; and thiamin (vitamin Bi) found in many cereals and sunflower seeds, in all glands such as liver, heart, brain, beef and goat, in egg yolk, sardine, chicken, codfish and chicken, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. If there is any doubt in your mind about getting either iodine or thiamine in your diet (the soil on which the food is grown determines the actual quantity

minerals or vitamins available to you), so I would advise supplementing your diet with both of these nutrients in concentrated form. Your thyroid gland needs both of these food elements and it's also very urgent for you to 'feel I get enough.'

Adrenals, Your Survival Gland

This gland is located on each kidney; they are called 'emergency glands'. you. It is the adrenaline, one of their hormones, that drives every nerve and muscle into instant and perfect coordination when you face a crisis or great danger. It's a two-way leap for auto-accelerated road safety; blasting energy to save loved ones in danger — this is the kind of incredible reaction that adrenaline gives you. When adrenaline is pumped into the bloodstream from your adrenal glands at this time that some emergency messages will be telegraphed to them by your brain, your entire nervous system and muscles grow tense, providing for immediate action. Your brain becomes more alert; the senses of sight and hearing become acute; your heart beats faster; your breathing gets faster; and your blood pressure is rising. As an added protection during any emergency, the adrenaline (secreted by the medulla, inner part of the adrenal gland) delivers a continuous supply of glucose that burns fast as fuel for highly accelerated heart muscle. Then, after the crisis is over, the dense adrenal glands, called the cortex, immediately take command and soothe all the organs of adrenaline excited to burst into superhuman activity. Healthy adrenal glands are one of the most effective beauty tools you want, as the color and quality of the skin are one of the leading ways in which your adrenal glands work. A clear, clear color usually indicates that the adrenals are functioning well; while dark, sallow leather, heavy-coated, should warn you that everything is fine with them.

The adrenal glands also have a lot to do with helping your hair stay young. This cortex is suspected to be the cause when your hair starts to turn gray, as colored pigments are formed and stored in the outer layer of this adrenal gland. Obviously, a dull adrenal is more likely to be unable to provide enough pigment to keep your hair colored, and this is 'ration'. Normal pigments will cause hair to fade or gray.

This pair of small glands also helps neutralize any toxins that can sneak into your bloodstream — and believe me hundreds of them are waiting to destroy you every moment of your life. Diseases like blood poisoning or flu, as well as surgery, put such a demand on the adrenal glands to 'cleanse'. the blood vessels then become tired, and their hormone secretion is much lower than normal. This is why symptoms of acute nerves or severe physical fatigue almost always involve surgery or serious illness. The hormone that controls the amount of pep, as well as your ability to fight disease, is called cortin; it is secreted by the cortex (outer layer) of the adrenals. Even frustrated with adrenals — most likely you are suffering from such adrenals at the moment, as it is a common disease in the world today — will lead to a lack of competition, and what is considered 'ordinary laziness'. I'm sorry. That is, you cannot bring yourself into the social, domestic and business activities you face. Therefore, be careful when you tire too easily and seem to need more than seven or eight hours of sleep every night, then it is likely that you may experience what is called hypnosis. Other warning signs of a gland disorder are cold hands and feet, and low blood pressure. Along with this error is called 'physical laziness'. there comes a clear mental fatigue that causes you to be unable to think clearly, or to focus on the important things. Since dysfunctional adrenal glands can certainly make you lose your youthful appearance and expose you to chronic illnesses, it is advisable to indulge in both births - that is, if you do not feel the idea of ​​something early, old age.

The adrenals, especially the cortex or outer layer, are usually the first glands to be damaged by injury. (Because these two small glands are not well protected in the body, they usually suffer from any damage to the kidneys.) These sensitive glands are also injured by disease, and by certain chemicals. We know that lead poisoning, or excessive amounts of nicotine, damages the cortex. The same applies to sulfa drugs in large doses, and the same can be said for potassium chlorate, the most useless chemical used in some dentures. The adrenals, especially the cortex, are also the first glands damaged by malnutrition. Many intensive studies have been carried out in recent years on the effects of diet on hormone production, especially hormones secreted by the adrenals. The conclusion is that through proper diet it is very possible to renew the vitality of the adrenal gland. Proteins, along with vitamin C, seem to have the most beneficial effect on the adrenal glands. This is true because a high protein diet has been found to be the best way to fight hipo-adrenia-ailments that cause your blood pressure to be too low, your hands and feet like ice, and your mind and muscles to be slimmer than sloths.


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