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Lose Weight Fast With the Help of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most important dietary supplements for your diet. They are supported by clinical research wells that detail the various ways in which they support the body to function properly. Here are some things Omega 3 will do for you.

  • Reduces joint inflammation

  • Improve your cardiovascular health

  • Improve brain performance

  • Helps you lose weight

  • Help with symptoms of mental disorders such as Bipolar, OCD, etc.

  • Help lower bad cholesterol.

  • It stimulates leptin production, which helps regulate your weight and metabolism.

Omega 3 fatty acids are mainly found in certain meats and cereals. There are Omega 3 food sources but the easiest way to get them in your system is to simply take fish oil capsules or add hemp seeds to your diet. My favorite is the hemp seeds. Just add it to your cereal in the morning. You don't like it. But if you do, it has a good and healthy feel.

Again a warning about saving Omega 3. It has a relatively short shelf life so make sure you keep it properly in a sealed container or it will be bad for you. Also make sure to buy a reasonable quantity at a time. It may be tempting to buy a large bag of hemp seeds for sale but may be a waste. Store your hemp or tablet in a closed container at room temperature.

Don't want to take pills or add flax seeds to your diet? No problem. Here are some great sources of Omega 3 fatty acids:

  • Walnut

  • Soybeans, navy beans, kidney beans

  • Tofu

  • Fish

  • Olive oil

  • Eggs are all natural and free

  • Spinach

Keep in mind that omega 3 fatty acids have now been added artificially to many foods, so be sure to look for labels that indicate Omega 3 is present.


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