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Hoodia Vs Akavar

With about $ 400 billion spent on weight loss products each year, the U.S. states and other overweight countries are always looking for new ways to lose weight. As a result, weight loss diets and pills continue to increase and promise to cure obesity.

Two new pills widely advertised as appetizers are Hoodia Gordonii and Akavar 20/50 weight loss supplements. Examining how these products come from and the differences between the two will give you a solid idea of ​​what works.

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia is similar to cactus plants and grows mainly in the South African desert. Much of Hoodia's popularity stems from the claim that the San Bushment of the Kalahari Desert has relied on this plant for thousands of years to ward off hunger and thirst during long hunting trips. Hoodia's cheering began after 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl and her crew traveled to Africa and tried Hoodia. Crew confirmed his ability to stop eating with Stahl described the plant as

"cucumbery in texture, but not bad." She reported that she lost her desire to eat and drink all day. She also reported that she did not experience any side effects after eating the plant.

Although there are more than 13 species of Hoodia, it appears that the Hoodia Gordonii variant contains only natural appetite suppressants. After 30 years of research, scientists isolate the active ingredient in Hoodia as a steroid glycoside called p57. The active ingredient was isolated by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, which initially spent over $ 20 million to research the plant, trying to extract p57 and synthesize it into a capsule to treat obesity. In 2002, Pfizer abandoned the plan and granted rights to the materials. As a result, there is speculation that p57 is too difficult to synthesize, and thus Hoodia is not as useful as the claim says.

While no randomized controlled trial has been published on humans to show the general population that Hoodia is safe to consume, there are many Hoodia products on the market. It is sold in capsules, powders, liquids, and tea in health food stores and on the Internet. Many diet pills, such as Trimspa, also claim to have Hoodia in their product even if they do, the amount is minuscule. Unfortunately, most Hoodia products are fake because they do not contain pure Hoodia. There is also no way to know if the Hoodia product is genuine, although there are some products that some manufacturers have tested and claimed purely.

After researching and comparing Hoodia products on the internet I would advise you to be careful when picking this product, as no one really knows if the product works well other than its original form.

Akavar 20/50

Akavar 20/50 [] is a popular European weight loss supplement released in the U.S. in August 2007. It was finally a calorie restriction. It blocks your appetite and slightly improves your metabolism so that you are eating less and losing weight. It does this by changing your hunger hormone and delaying gastric processing. In short, it helps you feel full for longer so you eat less at every meal, thus losing weight. As an appetite suppressant, it will not surprise you or cause any side effects, which may explain why most people prefer this product over other weight loss pills.

Unlike Hoodia, Akavar did clinical studies before releasing products and doing many years of research. The clinical study consisted of 24 participants. Of the 24 participants, 23 of them lost weight while taking Akavar. Therefore, Akavar is estimated to work for most people as an effective way to lose weight. Unlike Hoodia, Akavar manufacturers offer a money back guarantee.

Although Dynakor Pharmacal says you can take Akavar without diet and exercise and still lose weight, it is wise to eat healthy and exercise to maintain long-term weight loss and healthy weight.

Most people who take Akavar report that they feel less likely to eat a large amount of food. They also appreciate that Akavar does not make them anxious or nauseous like other weight loss pills with the same level of herbs as caffeine. It succeeded in suppressing their appetite. Overall, the Akavar 20/50 appears to be an effective, tested and safe weight loss supplement on Hoodia.


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