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From the Mini to the Extended Tummy Tuck

When you think about tummy tuck procedures, you may think of extreme cases of loose skin and fat around the middle and middle waist. However, hundreds of patients each year undergo this least invasive procedure to enjoy smoother waist benefits for years to come.

There are three types or degrees of tumor procedure called mini, standard, and extended techniques. All these procedures need to be cut along the natural folds above the genital area. Of course the mini version makes the U-shaped cut shorter there to reduce the skin minimum before closing. Next is a standard that includes a larger U-shaped slit from one hip to another but also along the natural folds above the genital area. The standard procedure affects the lower abdomen and covers the waist, but that is not the goal of the procedure. Finally, the extended procedure uses the same hip as the U-shaped hip joint for the lower abdomen. It also uses an incision around the belly button to remove excess skin there and reposition the belly button if necessary.

Patients undergoing mini or standard procedures are usually overweight and are aware that hard loose skin and subcutaneous fat in their stomachs should go away. Skin may be stretched and rejuvenated as a direct result of multiple births or major life changes that cause significant body changes. It is important to remember that the tummy tuck procedure, in three spells, is for the most severe cases, whether the patient has a small amount of loose or large skin, and whether the patient is small or large and high.

The decision to follow with a mini, standard or extended abdominal tuck depends on the severity of the loose skin. It is solely intended for the improvement of jammasa or the shape of the V feathers from hip to hip. It is not for dramatic changes or weight loss to the oblique or back areas which can also be coated with thick layers of fat and skin, especially after mass weight loss. Liposuction procedures can be added for men and women who deal with body issues.


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