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Diets and Eating Plans - Which One is Best For PCOS?

Just by watching one hour of TV, or bypassing your favorite magazine, you know the thousands of weight loss "shows" or diets available today. For women with PCOS, it may be a little confusing or confusing .... we know we should be watching our carbohydrates, only eating "good carbohydrates" as this is the best control of our insulin resistance, thus controlling our PCOS. But the question is, what diet or plan do we choose?

Here are the most common diet plans for women with PCOS. I say meal plans because I don't consider them "diet". We do not starve ourselves, eat the wrong things for a short time to lose weight, and more. This is a long life choice for us. If we want to control our PCOS and its symptoms, we need to choose a diet and stick to it, forever.

The glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) is a system used to classify foods with carbohydrates as fast as they can increase our blood sugar levels. There are 3 general categories:

  • High GI foods (GI value 70% 2B)
    This causes an increase in blood glucose levels

  • Moderate GI foods (GI values ​​55-69) This causes a modest increase in blood glucose

  • Low Gb Carb Food (GI value 54 or less) This causes a slow rise in blood sugar

This is considered the best option for women with PCOS. Low GI Plan is a simple and simple GI carbohydrate balanced diet, plus be healthy protein and fat (including many healthy grains as well as fruits and vegetables Weight Watchers, as they put their food at the head of the Glycemic index.

South Coast Diet

SBD is made up of lean proteins, healthy fats and oils, nuts, seeds, and vegetables and fresh fruits and good diets for PCOS. The theory is that if you cut out carbohydrates, and eat a higher percentage of protein your body will have less insulin response to carbohydrates. It consists of three phases, where you slowly add more carbohydrates to your diet. The first point of the phase is to eliminate the desire that PCOS 'ers have for carbohydrates by eliminating them completely. Then, as good carbohydrates are added to the back, you are less likely to lose control and feast. The types of carbohydrates allowed on SBD are those that score low on the glycemic index.

Zone Diet

Zone Diet is about balancing your hormones to control hunger for fewer calories but still getting the nutrients your body needs for long-term health. These zones are medium-carbohydrate, medium-protein, medium-fat diet that has about one gram of fat for every two grams of protein and three grams of carbohydrate. This is a diet-based ratio of dietary recommendations from the Joslin Diabetes Research Center at Harvard Medical School for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Food Zone includes:

  • Low fat protein

  • Low glucose carbohydrates (mostly fruits and vegetables)

  • Fat monoxide is not healthy heart

Warning !!!!

Another common "carbohydrate" plan is the Atkins diet. This is NOT recommended for women with PCOS, in fact it should be avoided completely. The Atkins diet has been linked to a number of heart-related conditions and even death. It focuses on eliminating carbohydrates completely, and eating high-fat, unhealthy proteins (like hamburgers, bacon, and so on) that is why we have to stay far.

Women with PCOS already have a higher risk of heart disease, high cholesterol / blood pressure and stroke, so adding a diet high in fatty protein will only increase our risk. Plus, the carbohydrate starvation needed to survive only increases the risk.


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