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Diet for Gestational Diabetes

About 4% of pregnant women in the United States will be affected by childbirth. It is a misunderstanding of medical research that cannot determine why women suffer from it during pregnancy only to see it disappear after the baby is born. Stress and increased hormone activity associated with pregnancy are considered factors but women at risk should follow the diet for giving birth to diabetes.

Pregnant mothers who have diabetes during reproduction should also follow this type of diet.

Any woman with diabetes should consult a registered dietitian to help create a diet plan for her and her unborn baby. Regulating blood sugar levels during pregnancy is very important and modifying your diet is the best way to achieve this.

During pregnancy the goal of the diet for childbirth is to ensure the right amount of calories and nutrients for the mother and baby while maintaining blood glucose levels. The diet itself is individual for every woman based on their height and weight.

Blood glucose levels also need to be tested and measured at least four times a day. This is done to ensure that women's blood sugar remains in control throughout the day. Frequency of testing can be reduced once good glucose control is established but self-monitoring should continue with pregnancy.

It is important that the diet meets the nutritional requirements and normal weight gain of the pregnancy. During the first trimester of normal pregnancy, women should gain from 2 to 4 pounds. As soon as the second and third trimester begins the weight gain should be an average of one pound a week. Calorie intake should be increased by about 100 to 300 calories a day during the second trimester. At the same time protein should be increased to 10 grams per day. This can be achieved by drinking 2 glasses of milk or eating 1 to 2 ounces of meat daily.

One of the biggest dangers of calorie intake is diabetic ketoacidosis. A pregnant woman cannot limit the amount of calories she eats unless directed by her doctor. The calories she eats must come from nutritious foods and should be no less than 1700 to 1800 a day.

Any pregnant woman diagnosed with this dangerous disease needs to follow a diet for giving birth to ensure the health and well-being of the baby.


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