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3 Natural Remedies For Arthritis

Whether you are on a prescribed medication, it is always a good idea to get an understanding of the many natural remedies for arthritis available today. And for those who are afraid of the 'alternative' believe that the most common and best known remedies for arthritis are available without leaving your home.

For most people, a simple trip to their kitchen will open a surefire medicine bag to help arthritis patients manage their condition and take remedial action. You may even have used some of the recommended natural ingredients, but you may not know it.

By gaining a better understanding of what's in the natural medicine cabinet, you can focus on the good stuff, apply it to your daily diet and schedule it on a more conscious level. Start with the three below. They may already be sitting in your closet to help.

1. Ginger.

Ginger is a great ingredient and it tastes great. It contains a proteolytic enzyme called zingibain, which indicates that we have good anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is very easy to take, you can put some hot water to make tea, take it from a tincture or my favorite is to mix it with my food. It is so versatile and highly recommended as one of the easiest natural remedies for arthritis to take.

2. Garlic.

For centuries garlic has been flattened for its healing and nutritional properties. It is widely recognized for its circulatory effects. This is great for arthritis patients. Increasing your circulation will bring the much needed oxygen to your most needed place, your arthritis joint. Now you have a good reason to pack your food with this delicious bulb.

3. Cayenne Pepper.

Also known as red pepper. You can mix this pepper with your food or mix it with ointment and spread it in the area that hurts you. Remember though, that it can be quite hot so it's easy to get started until you find your own level of natural tolerance.


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