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Lose Weight Over 40 - Made Impossible by Growing Fat Cells

Men and Women trying to lose weight over 40 face the same problem: Fat accumulates easily and is harder to lose after 40. Fat storage is used to be essential to life, and fat is a great storage medium for energy. Throughout history, we have relied on body fat to survive times of hunger and hunger.

Because our body stores fat easily, it threatens our ability to achieve permanent weight loss. How do fat cells work to make it difficult for men and women over 40 to lose weight permanently?

Existing fat cells fill up when your body consumes more energy than you spend. Eating fat, starch or sugary foods makes no difference - all the extra calories are stored as fat. When the fat cells you have are full, the body produces new fat cells, a natural process without restriction.

Fat cushions increase more when you are under pressure, but the biggest threat to weight loss over 40 is: Existing fat cells remain, and will not be destroyed. It is not possible to reduce the number of fat cells that exist, but you can reduce the amount of fat stored in those cells.

A neuropeptide called Leptin is sent to your brain when the fat cells are full. Although Leptin levels in your blood are high, your brain receives the message that you are not hungry and do not need to eat. When your body fat cells become empty, Leptin is gone - and you're hungry.

Now, let's be honest and know the truth: Losing weight over 40, feeling a little hungry is something you have to live with. It challenges you emotionally, and that's why the psychology behind losing weight remains so stressful - your mind needs a way to deal with these emotional challenges. To lose weight regularly, any weight loss program you choose must include psychological advice to be effective.

With women, the distribution of fat changes with age as well. Younger women often notice more fat on their hips and thighs. Women over 40 will often find fat around the abdomen, and visceral abdominal fat is associated with several diseases. Our bodies are equipped with powerful regulatory mechanisms. We tend to stay the same, even if we don't eat the same amount of calories every day. Our bodies then compensate for these calorie shifts, leading to other problems to achieve a permanent weight loss of over 40:

If you eat too long for a long period of time, your body will adapt to the new weight and will strive to maintain that weight. You will always feel the need to "feed" existing fat cells. The longer you stay on a starvation diet, the stronger your hunger will become.

Weight loss is very easy. By eating just 100 extra calories a day more than what your body burns, you will gain an average of 9 pounds (4.5kg) a year. It's 100 calories very easy to get. For example, 12 oz. can be Coca-Cola contains 155 calories, and Kit Kat Wafer Bar has 218, and so on. . .

You need to starve for about 2 weeks to lose these 9 pounds, or work out 51 hours, or 126 hours. This all proves that if you want to lose more than 40, snacks and snacks are added, so be aware of what you eat. Many nutritionists, especially women over 40, may not be able to lose weight permanently as their fat cells refill.


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