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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) And Elimination Diets

Food may cause symptoms of intestinal syndrome (IBS): In the United States, most doctors have been, and continue to be, skeptical that food causes symptoms (IBS) and the elimination of certain foods can improve these symptoms. This is despite almost 70% of people diagnosed with certain food-related IBS reporting symptoms. There is mounting evidence, though still criticized for limiting studies that make it difficult to prove, that certain foods may be the cause of symptoms in many people labeled as having IBS.

Food intolerance tests and dietary elimination based on IgG antibodies may be helpful: Atkinson (Gut, 2004) Random people of either diet elimination based on high levels of IgG antibodies (YorkTest Laboratories) for certain foods or false foods. Those who avoided certain foods based on their IgG antibody tests experienced an increase in IBS symptoms (10-26% reduction) and improved global quality of life. Re-introducing foods that they test positive makes them worse. Zar (Am J Gastro, 2005) reported significant improvement in IBS symptoms such as pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits based on six months of deletion of high-specific IgG4 antibodies in 25 people.

Acute bowel syndrome (IBS) is frequently diagnosed in adults: There are no diagnostic tests that can confirm IBS. This is an exception diagnosis. It is a syndrome, that is, a collection of symptoms that cannot be explained by other diseases that cause the diagnosis of IBS. The most common late diagnoses blamed on IBS include lactose intolerance, Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance, colitis, Crohn's disease, parasite infections such as giardia, bacterial infections in the gut or changes in the level and type of bacterial intestinal dysbiosis), food allergy, intolerance food, and food hypersensitivity.

Celiac disease, colitis and Crohn's disease should be excluded before diagnosing IBS: Celiac disease, colitis and Crohn's disease can be diagnosed or excluded by blood tests, stool tests, and intestinal biopsies. Food allergies, intolerance and sensitivity are not only difficult to confirm or exclude but are often missed due to limitations in blood tests, stool tests, allergic skin tests and biopsies. Poor dietary reactions should be considered as the leading cause of symptoms associated with IBS.

There are common foods that cause bad food reactions: Common foods reported by IBS sufferers, whose symptoms increase with elimination, are wheat, barley, and rye (gluten); dairy including cow's milk protein (casein) and / or lactose (milk sugar); peanuts (peanuts) and soy; yeast used to bake or cook food; corn; shellfish and fish; beans (almonds, Brazilian beans, butter, and walnuts); fruits (apples, oranges, and strawberries); vegetables (celery, cabbage, and salad); meat (pork, beef, and chicken); and nightshades (potatoes and tomatoes).

Specific diets and foods Specific dietary abstinence is based on various tests and diaries of dietary symptoms Symptoms: Diet-based diets generally cause allergic reactions and non-allergic food reactions have been used for some time and are often prescribed with or without symmetrical diet diets. Interestingly, to my knowledge, no one approaches these individuals and their dietary responses individually, based on tests for Celiac disease, gluten intolerance or sensitivity (high gliadin IgA or IgG antibodies and / or blood gliadin IgA antibody staining diagnostic or biopsy test for Celiac), cancer intolerance (carcinoma IgA anti-casein antibody or blood IgG antibody), history of oral allergy syndrome (OAS) and comprehensive food allergy test (rat skin test, IgE RAST or CAP RAST test, skin test intradermal or patch skin test).

Certain dietary elimination tests based on this information (see the table at have helped in my experience. The reaction of powders in food at OAS is well documented. Dietary symptom diaries combined with the elimination of certain foods based on food allergy test results, food intolerance of food sensitivity tests, and pollen allergy are known to be considered as possible approaches to dietary elimination. This should not include the assessment and treatment of Celiac disease, lactose intolerance, dysbiosis, colitis or Crohn's disease. s.


Atkinson W, Sheldon TA, Shaath N, Whorwell PJ. Elimination of foods based on IgG antibodies in the colon syndrome: a randomized controlled study. Gut 2004; 53: 1459-1464.

Choung RS, Talley NJ. Food allergy and intolerance in IBS. Gastroenterology & Hepatology October 2006; 2 (10): 757-760.

Zar S, Benson MJ, Kumar D. Serum specificity of IgG4 and IgE serum to common food antigens in irritable bowel syndrome. American Journal Gastroenterology 2005; 100: 1550-1557.

Zar S, Mincher L, Benson MJ, Kumar D. Food-specific diet-supported IgG4 antibody enhances symptoms and rectal adherence in irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Scandinavian Gastroenterology. 2005; 40: 800-807.


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