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Gynecomastia - The Man Boobs Stigma

Many men are completely unaware of the term gynecomastia although they may have heard of the term male breast used, often in the sense of taste.

In short, gynecomastia is the presence of large amounts of breast tissue in men. This can occur in both adults and adolescents. This can be embarrassing and also cause emotional problems for those who suffer.

People generally tend to consider the label 'men's breasts' as a joke and tend to associate it with obesity. Of course, suffering is often withdrawn and shows a reluctance to expose themselves in public places and in their efforts.

Fortunately, gynecomastia treatment is available in some form and patients do not have to accept this condition.

As mentioned, the cause of gynecomastia is often associated with obesity but there are other possible causes of gynecomastia. For example, hormone imbalance can play an important role in the development of the condition, especially in adolescents. Alcohol and drug abuse can also contribute and even emotional stress can be a contributing factor.

Usually there is no pain associated with gynecomastia and in the case of adolescents, usually over time the excess breast tissue is naturally reduced. To a large extent, a balanced and healthy diet and a regular exercise regime will prevent most men from experiencing this condition.

However, in some cases, the men's kidneys look good enough to survive into adulthood. This can cause emotional disorders. Many men may find it difficult to socialize and form relationships with the opposite sex. Also, they may find themselves considered 'abnormal'. and this attitude can only lead to further social isolation. Chest stigma can lead to emotional instability and discomfort.

It is then worth noting that other health factors may be involved and comprehensive medical examinations are often recommended. The causes of gynecomastia include several forms of liver disease, steroid abuse, genetic imbalance, tumors and side effects of prescribed drugs.

It may be that a healthy diet and exercise do not affect the situation. This may indicate that deeper causes are at work. Further medical investigations are usually required to determine the true cause.

Those in question should always consult their doctor for professional opinion. Often, the cause can be easily identified and immediate treatment courses are recommended.


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