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An Awesome Six Pack Abs Diet

See if we want to reach six pack abs then we have to eat the right foods. I will share with you what is good for us and what is bad and why we should stick to a six pack abs diet.

First, tell me how the body works with body fat.

The # 1 mistake people make is counting calories, your body needs calories to function and when it starves it stores the calories it contains in the form of fat. Therefore, do not starve your body's calories.

OK now I've got one of my breasts here is the best food to eat in six pack abs diet:

# 1 Try to eat a lot of small meals throughout the day from 2 or 3 large meals, this way your body will get enough fuel to ensure it works well and will not leave you feeling bloated and your stomach will not get stretched out from time to time. when your stomach and fat start to shrink and you will see six pack abs.

# 2 Try to include as much protein as you can in your diet, your body needs protein to help it build muscle, namely fish, milk, cheese, grilled meat, grilled chicken, all of which are high in protein. As a practical, rough guide, protein should make about 25 percent of the food on your plate, but may vary depending on the individual's needs.

# 3- Eat as many natural foods as possible, such as nuts, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and so on. These are nutrient rich foods and contain many nutrients, fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C.

# 4- Try to eat whole grains, this is a great source of energy and if you can try to eat whole grains made from wheat flour instead of white flour.

# 5- Watch what you drink, if you drink anything other than water, plain tea, or regular coffee, you venture into a high calorie zone. Although fruit juices are full of sugar and calories like soft drinks.

Here is an example of a good daily diet plan:

1. ANSWER: (within about an hour of waking up)

3 weetabix - with half a liter of milk half a sugar-free scheme sprinkled on the grain

1 cup fresh orange juice

Tea or Coffee - not just sugar and milk scheme


Tuna-salad sandwich (half a tin of tuna- full water) with chocolate bread - 2 pieces & no butter or margarine & only one teaspoon of half-fat mayonnaise.

1 banana


Rice and Peanuts (boiled rice)

Tea or Coffee (no sugar and milk scheme)

Try using flavored rice to make it less tasty


Puree vegetables (homemade, including optional vegetables)

Pop / soda or friendly diets (no added sugar brands)


150 grams of grilled chicken breast

1 large roasted potato

great to help mix vegetables


Whole fruit (apple, orange or pear)

Yogurt is not fat


FAT TOTAL FOR DAY = 22 grams or so.

Now remember this is a great six pack pack of abs but to reach those six pack abs you also need to be prepared to do exercises.

If you follow these guidelines and stick to the six pack abs diet I know you can achieve six pack abs.

So good luck.


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