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Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet: Health And The Environment

For many years, the debate continued over whether a healthy diet should include meat. Currently, there is growing evidence that vegetarianism can prevent a variety of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Vegetarian diets are said to improve your mental health and improve your body's strength and strength, as well as an effective way to reduce weight and lower cholesterol levels.

Due to the lack of meat consumption, they lack high fat content and growth hormone associated with meat. Many fruits and vegetables used by vegetarians often pose a risk for cancer. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help boost the immune system and help eliminate the free radicals that cause cancer. In addition to cancer, these antioxidants also help people feel younger because of the increased energy, healthy skin and hair that allow them to withstand stress.

From a Chinese perspective, vegetables are said to Yang as they grow toward the Sun. Energy is essential for growth and energy. Whereas the meat is Yin, that's why animals are lowly and attracted to the ground. The energy that keeps one's body positive and alters the mental state.

In addition to the health benefits of eating vegetarian food, it can also reduce your food expenditure. It's a well-known fact that meat is more expensive than vegetarian food, especially if you are a big fan of processed foods like chicken nuggets, hotdogs, ham and beef. If you want to find it yourself, you can spend retail with zero meat products and you'll be surprised at how much you can save.

Vegetarian diets promote a positive impact not only on one's health but also on the environment. With increasing demand for meat, raising and slaughtering animals has negatively impacted our environment. One of the major pollutants, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, is 2 billion tons of animal waste. This, in turn, causes air pollution due to the release of methane gas by most livestock contributing to the greenhouse effect. It also causes water pollution because chemicals and other substances from stools, pesticides and urine seep into the body.

In addition, it requires a large number of grains to feed livestock. Large areas of land are needed to grow crops to supply the growing number of animals each year. This causes soil erosion, soil degradation and water scarcity.


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