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This Key Factor Affects Our Health On A Daily Basis, Can You Guess What It Is?

It is no doubt that our ancestors lived longer and healthier than ordinary people today. In addition to the obvious pollutants in the environment, there are more important factors that slowly deteriorate our health on a daily basis. The reason is hidden in our kitchen - yes, it's your cooking pot!

Although our eating habits have a direct impact on our health and well-being, for example, eating too many snacks increases cholesterol levels and creates a lack of protein and vitamins. Even if you have a healthy diet with just the right amount of nutrients, you may not see the desired impact on your health. This is because the way you cook your food really determines its nutritional value.

If you cook food in conventional cookware, you greatly reduce its health value. Metal and chemical toxins from metals and ceramic pots into food and pollute it. Hard heat destroys fine nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, flavonoids, phytonutrients and others. The effect is obvious when cooked food is bland and lacks natural color.

Water-soluble nutrients cannot be stored in the body until we need them from our daily diet. This is available as a cooking steam that needs to be released before you can open the lid because of the excessive vapor pressure. Like other fine nutrients, water-soluble nutrients are also lost.

Can you guess what we can do to avoid this? Let me help you:

If only we could turn to the same cooking utensils our ancestors used for cooking, we could improve our health. We must cook conventional and start cooking in pots and pans of pure clay. This cookware does not melt and cook food with food-friendly infrared hot foods - saving fine nutrients. In addition, they have excellent steam management - the lid is cooler than the cooking pot causing all the steam to freeze on the surface of the lid and continue to fall into the food. This saves water-soluble nutrients.

Eating foods cooked in pure clay will slowly cleanse the toxins that already accumulate in your body's organs and cure your body of common health problems such as diabetes, blood pressure and chronic illness.

As completely biodegradable, pots and pans of pure clay are just as good for the planet as well! Thousands of people have permanently converted to pure clay cookware for their family's health, when did you join them?


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