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The "Secret" to Beating Cellulite!

The truth is that women of all ages, shapes and sizes want to know the secret to beating cellulite. Proper nutrition combined with exercise will help you lose weight and reduce fat cells, reducing cellulite appearance.

Ever been to a restaurant or a public place and perhaps seen a woman dressed in tight pants? The woman may not think that wearing pants is a good idea if she knows you can see that she has "cottage cheese," another name for cellulite through her pants.

Some women may try and use other drugs such as creams to get rid of cellulite. Is this really possible? Is there a magic cream?

There are many questions about cellulite like this and these are some of the most common answers.

Is it cellulite?

Cellulite is actually just a layer of fat trapped beneath the skin. It is commonly found to be small skin on the legs, stomach, and pelvic area and affects up to 90 percent of all women.
Do women only have cellulite, or do men have it?

You will find more cellulite in women because of the thinner skin layers on the lower fat cells and connective tissue.

Men are less likely to have cellulite because of the stronger connective tissue but, if they are overweight, they will definitely have it.

What causes cellulite?

First of all it is hereditary and so if your mother has it than you will too. Cellulite takes effect because the connective tissue is weak on the surface of the skin.

There are other factors such as lack of exercise and diet high in fat, sugar and toxins. As we get older there are hormonal changes and skin elasticity and this contributes to cellulite growth.
How do I know if I have cellulite?

Trust me, just stand in front of the mirror, and look at your back and thighs, or if you really want to know just ask your teen to see and you will without a doubt know you have cellulite.

In mild cases you have to pinch the skin to see it but in worse cases, the skin looks dull and pockmarked all the time.

Does weight help with cellulite? Do women with low body fat have cellulite?

Certainly losing weight helps and probably the best treatment. Exercise is also helpful as it reduces the size of fat cells, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Women can still have cellulite even with low body fat depending on their genes and skin condition.
Does my diet affect cellulite?

Yes, especially toxins from caffeinated beverages that become trapped in cells that enhance cellulite appearance.

Eating processed foods is bad because it contains salt cells that retain water, increasing their cellulite size more visible. Drinking two liters of water a day maintains normal fluid levels to minimize cellulite.

Bottom line?

Honestly there is no magic cure. Women are designed with weak skin and different hormones that only increase the chance of cellulite.

If your heart is set to try cream or supplements make sure it contains fish oil (omega 3), vitamin E, kale gotu, red clover, lecithin, gingko biloba and grape extract which enhances collagen and strengthens the skin.

Being honest cream won't do any trick. You better put your money and energy into a healthy diet combined with a full body workout routine that you faithfully follow and do on a regular basis.


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