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Preventing Health Risks During Pregnancy

Women will die in the name of beauty. Throughout the ages, races and nationalities, women love to look good and be appreciated. Women need to feel beautiful and sexy to get the appreciation they need.

Most women in the last trimester find it hard to believe that they are beautiful and sexy. Having babies in their womb makes them ugly, heavy and unattractive.

The feelings are unattractive and the disadvantages are relative to pregnant women. However, weight loss is a fact. All women who are pregnant, no matter how thin they are before pregnancy, will gain weight with the baby in their womb.

The fact is simple: a pregnant woman brings another person, lives and breathes in her womb. This fact is sufficient to justify weight gain during pregnancy.

The average weight gained during pregnancy is around 12 to 36 pounds. However, women who are overweight prior to pregnancy are asked by their doctor not to exceed their weight above 25 pounds. This is to prevent certain diseases from developing during pregnancy such as diabetes and heart disease. This disease not only poses a risk to the mother. They also affect the baby in the womb.

So how exactly can a pregnant woman prevent health risks during pregnancy? There are two keys: diet and proper exercise.

Proper diet during pregnancy means the diet on which the baby is being considered. Mothers cannot go on accident diets and other diet programs that their doctors do not treat.

Proper diets include whole grain rich foods (for carbohydrates) such as whole grain, whole oats and whole grains. Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be at the top of the list. High protein foods come not only from red meat but also from plant sources such as tofu. Store fatty foods at the bottom of the food pyramid. The main idea is to consume as much natural, fresh and high fiber foods as possible.

In addition, pregnant women need to see their calcium intake. Calcium is an essential mineral not only for the mother but for the baby as well. Drinking milk and eating low fat yogurt are encouraged.

Preventing illness during pregnancy does not end with a proper diet. Exercises and exercises are included as well. Pregnant women are usually advised to do light work such as fast walking and light aerobics. Boring exercises like push ups and sit ups are certainly not allowed. Exercise should be balanced between baby's safety and mother's health as well.

If you are pregnant, make sure you consult your doctor before going on a diet and exercise plan. This is important for the safety of the mother and baby.


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