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Mental Health Hacks - Best Ways to Fight Depression and Anxiety

Life becomes more challenging, we are expected to do our best, working all kinds of hours in various aspects of life including personal and professional. Pressure, pressure, and deadlines demand great pressure on your body and mind. We do so much for everyone but what do you do for yourself? Have you ever thought about your mental health? Do you know that exercise and supplements can contribute to your overall health and well-being !! Yes, you have heard that our body and brain need supplements either meditation, natural supplements or good conversation with a friend or counselor. In the following articles, you will learn how natural medications and exercise can contribute to your mental health while reducing symptoms of brain-related illnesses.

Can we cure depression and anxiety?

Do you consider depression as a disease? We take it as a normal phase of life. But in reality, depression can lead to many serious health complications. You may be banned from sleeping; you may lose interest in work and in life. You can feel lonely and isolated. You may feel unhappy that even the ordinary things you use to have fun are no longer fun. If you experience physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, lack of sleep, irritation, anxiety, chest tension, abdominal swelling, and feeling overwhelmed you may want to see some changes in your life. Many people go through this phase of their lives and turn to alcohol that only gets worse. The wise are those who take adequate steps to overcome the situation. If you are depressed or anxious for a long time, take action and get the treatment you need.

There are many things you can do to treat symptoms when you feel them:

Improve happy chemicals

There are four key chemicals in the brain that affect happiness: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins that help us achieve a stable and happy mood. A busy lifestyle does not give you the time to achieve happiness in your life nor the ability to maintain the level of chemicals and fitness required to maintain this. The stress of our work and responsibilities in life makes it difficult for most of us to be happy. When we are depressed, we are anxious and sometimes depressed, we do not allow time to enjoy the company of our family and friends. At some point in our lives, we all know that we will face this problem. It's important to find solutions to enjoy your life and take advantage of the little things that make you happy !!


Serotonin is a well-known happiness chemical that can be improved in a number of different ways and supplements. The use of Tryptophan and or a diet containing Tryptophan can help increase your serotonin levels. Rhodiola is also widely used to increase serotonin levels and help with mental and physical fatigue. One of the best and easiest ways to improve this feeling is to chemically expose the sun and or sunlight to darker months.


Dopamine is a chemical reward in the brain. When you reach personal goals, find fulfillment in achievement, help people, the brain produces "good work" chemicals and we feel very happy and excited. Make sure you are involved in volunteer work and set personal goals to improve this chemical output.


Endorphins are produced by the central nervous system most of you may be familiar with the release of chemicals when you finish exercise or run. They make us feel better at times, help us overcome pain, and help us feel lonely. That's why we need to make sure that exercise and diets like your schedule can promote the release of these compounds.


Oxytocin is a "warm and fuzzy" chemical released when we hug and interact with family and friends. Loving and touching animals and animals also helps us release these very complex compounds. Deep tissue massage and acupuncture are one of the best ways to combat the effects of depression and anxiety.

You can improve all these chemicals by visiting the gym to take tai-chi and yoga! Supplements such as Vitamin B-100 complex, Omega 3 fish oil and Ashwagandha are very helpful in improving your overall mental health and well-being. Diet, in conversation with family and friends, exercise will release all of these good chemicals as mentioned and create a positive blood flow in the body that creates a healthy state. Intelligence training can help you fight stress and anxiety when used in the right way. Try dietary supplements and probiotic supplements to increase the release of happy chemicals in your gut (90% of serotonin in the gut) will also boost your immune system.


It is important to note that when under stress and difficult times we release large amounts of Cortisol. This has a profound effect on how we look and feel. It is a stress hormone released when our body undergoes any kind of stress. Cortisol regulates blood sugar levels and thus regulates metabolism, acts as an anti-inflammatory, affects memory formation, regulates salt and water balance and affects blood pressure. If we can reduce the amount of Cortisol released in our body, we can achieve a feeling of well-being throughout the body. Supplements with Omega 3 and Vitamin C can help you in this battle!

Mental health and confidence

One key aspect that people really do not think is our level of confidence and mental health, is important for all of us. We've lost confidence several times here and there but if you find it difficult to restore confidence and work to its full potential, then you need to think about how you can rebuild it. Low confidence can affect your performance and ability to deal with people and stress. According to many studies, exercise can help build a positive image and a positive mindset. Anyone regardless of age and gender can practice training to boost their self-esteem. Increase your self-esteem and self-esteem further towards improving your mental health and well-being!

How to prevent mental decline

There are many things in our lives that contribute to our mental decline; mobile phone use, other electronic devices, work, low diets, toxin intake, lack of exercise. How can we combat this disorder and help bring about this mental decline? You need to recognize the symptoms and feelings in your body and not ignore them to treat this disorder.

Exercises and supplements as well as some of the things mentioned can ease your body and mind. If you are really tired and are looking at some effective ways to get the relief you deserve, consider spending half an hour at the gym when you can and it will rejuvenate your mind. Find the right balance in your life !! You will feel more positive, confident and relaxed. Remember the supplements mentioned above can really help you improve your mental health, they can be great additions to fight many mental disorders and get relief from stress and anxiety.


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