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Medication Used for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Narcolepsy

What is Adderall?

Adderall is the name of a drug used to cure diseases such as attention deficit and narcolepsy. This drug is basically salt based and consists of elements such as racemic amphetamine, racemic amphetamine sulfate, aspartate monohydrate and dextroamphetamine saccharide. All of these elements are types of amphetamine salts. The drug is allowed to be sold in very few countries such as the United States and Canada. It has been categorized under the list of stimulant prescription drugs as it directly affects the mesolimbic pathways of the brain. The function of this pathway is to connect the middle brain with the limbic system and prefrontal cortex. Adderall affects this pathway by stimulating the amount of dopamine and noradrenaline. Increased production of chemicals in the brain allows for hyperactive control and attention deficit and dissyomnia.

Adderall therapeutic uses:

There are two types of Addreall formulas available in the market, extended release and instant assistance. Both types of formulations are used to cure attention deficits and dissyomnia, but the time taken to provide relief to patients is different. The therapeutic use of Addreall is given as,

Attention deficit disorder:

As previously mentioned Adderall is a common drug prescribed to attention deficit disorder patients. Drugs control this disorder by balancing certain chemicals that are produced in the brain. These disorders may be caused by a variety of factors such as genes, environment, diet and social stress. The Adderall may help patients improve their attention and reduce hyperactivity. However, this drug should be administered with proper therapy as it can become addictive and cause side effects to the patient from working in a therapeutic manner.

Dyssomnia or narcolepsy:

Adderall is often prescribed to patients suffering from disysomnia or narcolepsy. Dyssomnia is a sleep disorder, which is characterized by drowsiness and excessive sleep at inappropriate times. Adderall helps narcolepsy patients by stimulating the production of certain brain chemicals.

Abuse from Adderall:

Adderall has been classified as a Schedule II drug by the Department of Food and Drug Administration because its abuse or administration cannot cause various side effects or addictions for patients. The common side effects reported by excessive use of this drug are lowering the growth rate in children, overweight and anxiety. In addition, excessive or abusive use of Adderall can lead to addiction. Adderall's addiction is due to the stimulation of certain brain chemicals, which induces a sense of excitement in the individual, but also reduces the brain's ability to produce the chemical naturally and therefore, the individual feels the need to take the drug over and over again. In addition, this drug may also be abused to increase concentration and lose weight. Abuse and addiction such as Addreall can cause different consequences for individuals such as anxiety, weight loss, increased heart rate and blood pressure. It has been noted that most Adderall patients are students who need to get better grades in their studies, as this drug helps in higher concentrations.


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