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8 Health Risks Men Should Watch Out For

Although some men think they are supermen, in fact, the health risk is their kryptonite. Whether for their lifestyle choices or other reasons, men should be aware of the following health risks.

1. Heart disease. According to the CDC, this is the leading cause of death for American men. It doesn't matter if they have African-Americans, Asians or other descendants. Globally, the mortality rate for men with cardiovascular disease is 80 percent. So be careful with your ticker by incorporating cardio exercises into your lifestyle and Omega-3 rich foods into your diet.

2. Stroke. Stroke is the leading cause of death worldwide in men and women. Healthy diets, exercise, controlled blood pressure and regular checkups can reduce the risk of stroke.

3. Lung cancer. Ninety percent of all lung cancers come from regular inhalation of tobacco smoke. Stop smoking at any time and you will reduce the risk of lung cancer. In fact, in addition to lung cancer, smoking can also cause other cancers such as mouth, kidney and stomach cancer.

4. Prostate cancer. This type of cancer is the second most common cancer in men. In fact, one in seven men is diagnosed with prostate cancer. One in six men is at risk for prostate cancer, and it is fatal to one in 35. Early detection is important for the cancer to be managed successfully. However, if left untreated it can spread to the bone or liver.

5. Depression. The disease is complicated because it is fatal. Depression is not just a deep sadness. In men, it can be manifested in aggressive or advantageous behaviors (such as drinking too much). Compared to women, men are less likely to commit suicide. However, men do better when they do. If you feel like you are in the onset of depression, seek professional help right away.

6. Alcohol. The occasional drink is fine. However, if you find yourself unable to go through your day without regularly drinking a few drinks, then you may be having problems. According to the study, 3.14 million men die worldwide because of alcoholism. The practice of death leads to several health risks such as liver and kidney problems.

7. Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of obesity, heart attack, blindness, stroke, kidney failure and amputation. However, it can be avoided with proper nutrition and regular exercise.

8. Urinary tract infections. Although women are more likely to have UTI because they have a shorter urethra, men usually have it also because of their drinking habits. UTI can have serious effects on the kidneys and bladder if treated.

Now that you are aware of the risks you may be facing, make it a point to regularly visit your doctor for routine checkups.


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