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Six Penis Function Tips to Improve Your Sex Game

Even the best players are happy to find ways to improve their sex toys, and why not? Since better sex toys mean more fun and enjoyment, why not work to improve them? Obviously, proper penis function and excellent penis health are major components of men's sex toys. So let's take a look at some penis function tips that every level player should be aware of.

Get some blindfolds.

When focusing on penis function, it's easy to forget that your penis is affected by general health issues - and one of the most important is adequate sleep. This can be very difficult for people who are in need of work or who feel they want to sacrifice some sleep so that they can squeeze in a little more activity into just the 24 hours they have. But lack of sleep will hit a man in big sex - so schedule enough time to get that zzz.

Watch nutrition.

Similarly, penis function is directly related to diet. Sometimes it is a short-term connection, such as when eating oily, acidic foods for dinner give a man heartache, and the inconvenience causes him to perform less than optimally. Sometimes it's long-term, when a dude's overall diet clogs up his arteries, affects his heart function, and revives his stamina until erections are weak (or nonexistent) and his ability to "go the distance" decreases.

Use bleach.

Many people think of using lubricants somehow not "men." That's crazy - and there's no reason not to use it when masturbating, when it's just a man and his penis alone. Sex, either solo or cooperative, is best when it is "smooth" correctly. Also, "dry" sex can cause irritation and pain in the penis, which has a major effect on penis function.

Watch the liquor, cut the smoker.

No man wants a "whiskey penis" to be feared, a condition where too much alcohol makes a man weak. Consuming too much alcohol can also cause problems with blood vessels - as well as smoking, which also has a bad number in the heart and lungs. If penis function is important to a man, the gut should be out the window and the liquor should be kept in good condition.


The better shape the entire male body is in, the better for the penis. Strong arms help him maintain his position. Stamina-generating exercises help her compete with her partner as they go down. And cardio exercises mean the heart is healthy so that the blood gets pumped all over the body - including where it is really needed for sex, to the penile blood vessels.

Watch the hot water.

Getting good hot water seems like a good idea — but most men don't know that hot water can actually dry skin. It removes essential skin oils that help lock in the moisturizer. And dry penis skin not only does not look attractive - it can be so soft that it impedes penile function. So make sure the shower temperature is moderate.

Enhancing sex toys through attention to penis function is easier if a man also maintains his penis health. To do this, he must first use penis health cream first (Health experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be light and safe for the skin). The best cream will contain two main ingredients, L-arginine and L-carnitine. The first is the amino acids that play a role in nitric oxide production; This in turn helps the penis blood vessels to open more easily to increase blood flow. The latter is a neuroprotective substance that helps to maintain and protect the sensation of the penis which can be reduced due to abusive use.


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